Dunno about you, but those images of an empty London doing the rounds online don’t speak of peace and serenity to us. Sure, we can joke about dolphins returning to the Thames, but the Big Smoke bereft of activity and buzz is a sad sight to us. We miss the rich tapestry of London life, the restaurants and bars, and even though they decline to greet us with a cheerful ‘Good Morning’, we miss the people!
So, while a day out in London isn’t an option right now, an appreciation of our
The augmented reality experts Visualise have teamed up with Visit London to bring us a 360 virtual tour of London’s most iconic sites. And might we compliment them on their timing; our longing for escapism from the four walls of lockdown living knows no bounds right now.
Read: 7 uses for VR headsets beyond the world of gaming
All you’ve got to do is click on locations in the picture marked with ‘360’ icons and zoom in to explore them. View on your iPad for best results and click the gyro button for full interaction as you move the tablet around.

The closest you’ll get to frolicking in nature and history right now, we think. The Natural History Museum is home to 80 million items detailing botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology. Get up close and personal (whilst maintaining proper social distancing, of course) with the famous Dippy, a massive skeleton of a Diplodocus Carnegii in the main hall.

If you can’t physically explore the capital, then you can at least delve into its history via a virtual tour of the Museum of London. In such a topsy turvy present, the turbulent past of our beloved city somehow seems even stranger.
‘And they provide a perfect form of escapism’…although books are brilliant at delivering just that, if you want to imagine there’s a secret tunnel hidden behind your bookcase which leads to somewhere even more exciting, try out the British Library’s online collection of exhibits.
The official royal residence can also be explored online. Some of Buckingham palace’s staterooms where the King and members of the Royal family receive and entertain their guests for
And while the doors are shut, you can also enjoy the Royal collection here: www.rct.uk

Take a visit to the halls of power on this virtual tour of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the spaces in between, allowing virtual visitors
If you do want to have your actual voice heard, make sure you sign this petition calling for an increase in pay for NHS health workers.
Take the tour here
The Tower of London has a story spanning hundreds of years, and at times the script gets just a little bit gruesome. The Tower was used as a prison and for executions throughout history, but today, it’s a popular tourist attraction and home to the dazzling Crown Jewels; a collection of diamonds and gems that are sure to wow you if you’re a fan of bling.
Take the of the tower tour here

Though you should be keeping away from here right now, with all the viruses going around (Dominic Goings, am I right, guys?!), you can still take a virtual tour of the Prime Minister’s crib online. Just make sure you carry some disinfectant with you.
Get inside 10 Downing Street here
The iconic auditorium plays host to some truly dazzling spectacles. While the curtains are drawn, you can still take a look inside this most distinctive, beloved building.
Have a look inside Albert Hall here
Since we’ve all grown a little tired of staring at the walls of our own place, why not go and have a shifty around someone else’s? Hampton Court Palace is usually pretty packed with visitors; here’s your chance to appreciate it without the crowds.
And if you want to continue your curiosity on the continent, here’s some more IDEAL escapism; virtual tours around 10 amazing European museums.