The Government has announced that gyms can open from the 12th April and we couldn’t be happier! However, after months of being cooped up indoors, we’re not sure the idea of exercising all under one very sweaty roof sounds particularly appealing. 

Instead, and as the weather warms up, we can’t wait to make the most of the Spring and Summer sun and exercise outside, as part of a freshly permitted group. As things currently stand, you only have to wait until 29th March to realise this dream. 

These al fresco workout sessions will boost both your fitness levels and your mood, allowing for that sociable aspect of group exercise we’ve so been missing. With that in mind, here are 4 fun group exercises you can do outside this Spring.


Whether off the Cornish coast or in one of London’s lidos, cold water swimming is becoming more and more popular. And for good reason; there are so many physical and mental benefits of taking an icy plunge. 

In fact, recent research has suggested that cold water swimming may even be an effective treatment for depression. According to a report by the BBC, “Outdoor exercise and the companionship of fellow swimmers can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety”. In some cases, it could also delay the onset of dementia. Is there anything it can’t do?!

Wait, there’s more. It’s also been suggested to boost your immune system, as regular cold water immersion helps boost your body’s levels of the antioxidant glutathione  – this helps to regulate other antioxidants in the body, which in turn can help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. 

According to The Outdoor Swimming Society, “The secret to acclimatising to cold water is just to swim in it, often – at least once a week, and preferably two or three, gradually extending the time that you stay in the water”. When done in a group, with all the peer motivation that entails, taking the plunge becomes much more manageable.


Zumba is perfect for people who don’t enjoy traditional forms of exercise, like the gym or running, but relish being active and expressive within a group dynamic. Zumba blends aerobic exercise with dance elements to produce a diverse dance workout, including samba, hip-pop, salsa and even mambo, and allows for as much self-expression and energetic interpretation as you can muster. We love it! 

Getting to do the popular dance routines outdoors, with the fresh air in your lungs and sun on your face, is a particular treat. Check out this handy Find a Zumba Class platform to get started!


HIIT, otherwise known as High-Intensity Interval Training, is the ideal way to squeeze in 30 minutes of challenging exercise between a busy working schedule, and represents one of the most time efficient ways to keep fit. You can join an outdoor class or design the routine yourself, but owing to the intense nature of this type of training, group classes are often better as competing with your peers provides that extra push you sometimes need.

HIIT is also fully adaptable to your skill level, equipment collection and fitness goals. You can use an app like Fiit or Shreddy to follow the instructor in an at-home class, or join an outdoor class in your city or town.

Do be aware that HIIT is high impact and can lead to injury if you push yourself too hard.


Many of us have been stuck in our makeshift home offices for far too long. As such, without our ergonomic office chairs and standing desks, we’re suffering from neck strain and back pain more than ever before. If you’ve found yourself with a sore back or aching shoulders from being hunched over a desk all day, outdoor yoga – whether you’re a yoga beginner or more experienced – could be just the release you need.

Not only can it help relieve our WFH aliments, but taking your yoga practice outside is good for the soul – period. Indeed, while the very best indoor yoga studios try to create that zen like atmosphere, practicing your Vinyasa flow in a natural, outdoor setting can awaken your senses and help you connect with nature in a way that a four-walled-practice never can. 

Remember that outdoor yoga may challenge you with uneven ground and variable surfaces, and as such, doing your practice al fresco may also be better for your body as well as your soul. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! Actually, that wouldn’t be very zen, now would it?


We’re sure that you’re the same; you just can’t wait to break free of the four walls of home and enjoy the fresh air and vast expanses of nature once again. If you can combine this with a spot of exercise and socialising, then all the better. We hope the four suggestions above can help you do just that. Good luck!

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