We all love a bit of DIY, it’s incredibly satisfying to try your hand at something new and to do it well! There are some jobs, however, that are better left to the professionals, and this is particularly true when it comes to plumbing. Plumbers have been specifically trained to deal with gas and high-pressure water, and any number of other situations. Attempting to fix any of these issues yourself is dangerous and could put your loved ones and your property at risk. With this in mind, here are 4 problems you shouldn’t attempt to fix yourself.


The most common way that people spot a gas leak is when they smell gas in their home. There are also some physical symptoms that you might experience such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Nausea
  • Headaches

If you think you have a gas leak you should call the gas emergencies number on 0800 111 999 from a phone outside of your house.

You should never attempt to fix a gas leak yourself. What you can do, is turn the gas off at the mains tap, which is usually located next to your gas meter, and open all of the doors and windows in the house. You and your family should then go outside and wait for the gas safe engineer, and seek medical attention if any of you is feeling unwell.

If you think there has been a gas leak, you should not smoke or use any kind of flame, turn any electrical switches on or off or use any device such as a mobile phone, which may cause a spark.


Boilers are complex machines and there is a lot that can go wrong with them! If you find that you have an issue with your boiler, such as your heating not functioning correctly, hot water not being as warm as you would expect, or anything else at all, then don’t try to locate the issue yourself. It’s dangerous for unqualified people to work on boilers, and for a qualified plumber, it might take them only minutes to locate the issue. 

If you are having boiler problems then contact a qualified boiler specialist like Maintracts plumber South London, who will be able to resolve the problem for you.

Read: When does my boiler need servicing?


If you need to install a gas appliance such as an oven, always get a qualified person to do it. Not only is installing gas appliances yourself dangerous, but you could also actually face prison time if something goes wrong as a result. As Construction Manager Magazine highlights “Jail is becoming the standard punishment for unregistered gas fitters”. You must be on the Gas Safety Register to undertake gas work.


If you have leaking pipes or sewage lines, it’s important that you enlist the help of a plumber because they will know exactly how to safely locate the leak (and any other leaks that might have gone undetected) and also isolate the area that needs fixing correctly, so as not to cause flooding or waste leakage.

Some common signs of a water leak are:

  • Damp patches and cracks in walls or ceilings.
  • Formation of mildew and mould, or damp smells.
  • Noticing that your water bills have gone up without explanation.
  • Lower water pressure than usual.
  • Sounds of running water or gurgling around the house when you wouldn’t expect there to be.

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