Massage provides more than superficial benefits. Even though most people think of getting a massage for the relaxation benefits that it provides, there are also plenty of deeper physical benefits that your body receives from a professional massage therapist. For example, massage can help reduce stress levels and blood pressure while promoting increased blood flow throughout the body. It can even help you sleep better, resulting in less pain during the day.

Continue reading to learn about just a few of the many deeper benefits of massage. Then consider getting one so that you can reap these benefits and feel better too.

Get Better Sleep

When you sleep, your body is able to slow down and begin to regenerate. Therefore, those who have difficulty sleeping or who are unable to get into a deep sleep for very long do not experience these benefits. But a massage can help.

After getting a treatment with a professional massage therapist, your body will be able to spend additional time in the deep sleep phase, which is restorative to the body. A half-hour massage a few times a week can even help fibromyalgia sufferers sleep roughly one hour longer than they typically would, allowing the body to heal while reducing pain.

Reduce High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a serious condition, but it is one that you might be able to control with diet and lifestyle changes. Studies have also shown that you can reduce your blood pressure if you suffer from hypertension if you get a deep tissue massage that lasts anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes.

In addition to reducing blood pressure levels, this type of massage also reduces the level of stress hormone in your body, allowing your heart rate to regulate while releasing oxytocin and serotonin, which will make you feel at ease and boost your mood.

Boost Your Immune System’s Strength

Higher cortisol levels cause lower levels of natural killer cells that the immune system uses to combat a variety of illnesses. These killer cells target everything from viruses and bacteria, to cancer, so they’re the front line of defence of your immune system. But getting a massage several times a week helps the body become stronger. Serotonin, dopamine, lymphocytes, and natural killer cells increase, while depression and hostility will decrease.

Release Tension in the Muscles and Improve Flexibility

When your muscles are tense and tight as a result of stress or long hours exhibiting poor posture while sitting at a desk, they will become less flexible. In addition to causing pain, this also reduces your range of motion. But massage can undo some of this damage, especially if you get a massage regularly. Some forms of massage can be more effective than others, such as those that incorporate the use of hot stones that further reduce tightness and promote blood flow.

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