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Though time is often said to be the greatest of healers, the passing of the seasons can have something quite contrary to say about that. Because with each transition in temperature and light comes a different damaging environment for our skin, and the necessity for a new skincare regime to match. Whilst the summer sun called for light exfoliation and plenty of moisturiser, the new season welcomes in a whole new routine. Here’s how to make that shift seamless; our 5 IDEAL autumn skincare tips.


As much as we enjoyed the seemingly endless summer, the lazy, hazy days has left our skin looking a little greasier than any other time of year. The build up of sunscreen has clogged pores, and parts of our face have dried out from sun, sea salt and chlorine. However, used a couple of times a week, a good face mask can draw out all of those impurities and any excess oil that has built up throughout the year, brightening dull and tired skin. Or depending on your skin type and how summer has treated it, a hydrating skin mask can help to replace any moisture lost over the summer. Likewise, an exfoliating face mask can get rid of the dead and damaged skin cells. 


A devoted effective skincare regime is not only one of cure. It also involves foresight, planning and prevention. As such, as soon as the sun has set on summer, you should be preparing your skin for the perils of winter. Even though we’re looking forward to a few months of autumnal conditions, you can get your regime in line with the colder months gradually on the approach. So, that’s a pre-emptive skincare regime, designed to counteract the bluster of winter wind and the subsequent dry, red and flaky skin, using plenty of moisturiser (by switching from lotion to cream) which protects against more extreme humidity. It’s also wise (though it may seem oh so counterintuitive) to get into the habit of shorter, cooler showers, as those long, languid, hot ones wreak havoc on your face’s moisture content.

This also goes for your nails, which get particularly brittle in the cold weather. A simple system of conscious filing should do the trick. And don’t neglect your feet as the temperature cools, too. Don socks around the house to avoid chapped tootsies, and consider products for keeping your feet soft to keep the moisture content up.


A tip for all seasons but for a myriad of different reasons, this one. In autumn, we need to supplement all of that moisture lost from the dry heat of summer, as well as preparing for the extremities of winter. The most effective way to do this doesn’t lie in any product; just simple, natural h2o.

Keeping quenched will contribute to that youthful glow no amount of beauty products can. Rather than downing pints of it before bed, just make a concerted effort to have a cup each time you pass the water cooler at work, and have a jug of water at the table during meal times. Nothing drastic, nothing financially or time consuming, just simple, common sense.


The vibrancy and colour of summer has finally bid us farewell and the more muted, daker tones of autumn have been ushered in, and let’s be honest, the same effect can be felt (and seen) on our face if we don’t give it the proper attention. A lustreless, dull visage is the biggest threat of the new season, and regular but gentle exfoliation is one of the best tools we have against its onset. If you are looking for a good cream for exfoliation, we’re fans of DRMTLGY. It helps to remove dead skin cells which act as a barrier to new moisture retention, as well as promoting cellular regeneration. It also helps to reduce wrinkles and buff away fine lines. When choosing an exfoliation cream, keep it natural and seek products containing no alcohol for best results.


Changes in humidity and temperature can cause our skin to react in unpredictable ways, and the transition from summer to autumn is known to result in a few spots appearing unexpectedly. What’s more, the natural shift in diet to something heartier and more filling can also cause the odd breakout as our bodies adjust. That’s nothing to worry about and the worst thing you can do is overreact, prodding, poking and popping with abandon. Instead, keep your calm and apply a deep cleansing mask periodically to draw out impurities. 

Should the new season’s shift be getting you down and you fancy getting away, check out our 5 IDEAL autumn travel destinations over here.

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