It’s an act so shrouded in secrecy, so cloaked in euphemism, that it often doesn’t get the praise it so rightly deserves. Deemed as ‘self-harm’ in the Victorian era, and still referred to in negative terms such as bashing, bleeding and jerking, it’s no wonder people associate it with the sinful. Society and the system has a way of trying to police what gives us pleasure, to try and hold us back and conform to a life of servitude and boredom. Well, we at IDEAL are here to say it’s time to embrace your sexuality, take your digits off your keyboard or phone and take control of your pleasure. With the help of Love, Andrea, an online provider of top quality adult toys and apparel who are all about encouraging people to explore their sexuality, we’ve compiled a list of 5 IDEAL reasons to self-pleasure tonight.


We love it when our brain releases dopamine and epinephrine; our mood soars and a relaxed contentment floods the body. These are good vibes chemicals and orgasm is one sure way to promote their release, activating the reward system. Some people waste their money on self-help books and material goods to get these chemicals going but masturbation is free and efficient. Perfect.


Masturbation is great at alleviating a build up of tension, releasing sleep-promoting hormones post-orgasm. It’s the ultimate wind down at the end of the night, with calming chemicals oxytocin and endorphins serving to placate you before you nod off. Orgasm lowers blood pressure too, which helps you fall asleep faster and have a more contented night’s sleep.


Your pelvic floor supports your bladder, vagina, uterus and rectum, and is often given little thought when engaging in muscle-strengthening exercise. The area requires attention though, as a strong pelvic floor can help prevent incontinence and assist a smoother childbirth. Well, here’s the good news; orgasm is great for the pelvic floor. Another reason why self-pleasure is a great idea.


Masturbation is the one way to feel beautiful and sexual entirely on your own terms. Without the reliance on a partner to bring you pleasure, you’ll feel empowered and independent, in all walks of life. You can learn a lot about your body through masturbation – what you like and what you dislike – which will give you more sexual confidence in the future. And who doesn’t want that.


When you get aroused a process called tenting occurs, whereby the cervix opens. This is a great enabler of fluid circulation, flushing out bacteria in the process and some studies show that this which could help prevent cervical cancer. So, what are you waiting for?

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