Some people find the idea of following a set of snacking rules ridiculous. Snacking is just snacking, right? Well, not really. Done right it can keep your body healthy, happy, satiated, and free from disease. However, mindless snacking can potentially do the opposite. 

Don’t get us wrong, we’re all for snacking. However there are specific snacking practices you should follow if you want to be a better version of yourself inside and out. No matter what your personal goals are, remember that the food you eat will influence your health, happiness and well-being. 

If you’re ready to learn about smarter snacking, then make this article your guide. Here’s some simple yet very effective ideal snacking tips everyone should know. Enjoy. 


When you get those midday munchies do you gobble your snack down without even thinking? When we’re hungry we tend to scoff down our food. Stop doing this and eat slower. Rushed and distracted eating has bad effects on your body which include indigestion, weight gain, and sluggishness. Ideally, it takes about 20 minutes before your brain recognizes that you’re full. Enjoy your morning or afternoon snack and savor every bit of it. You will thank yourself later.


Eat foods that are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. The reason you need these nutrients is because they help keep you fuller longer (preventing overeating), aid in body repair and keep your blood glucose levels stable. We understand that sometimes nothing but a doughnut will do, but try and limit your intake of junk and unhealthy sweets. Try to replace your bad cravings with healthy snack bites. For example, instead of eating ice cream, you could prepare a bowl of fresh fruits. 


What does preventing thirst have to do with snacking healthily? Here is the answer: Once your body experiences mild dehydration, it easily mistakes thirst for hunger. Even if you’re working sedentarily hours in an office, your body is losing water through breathing, perspiration, and urination. Before you mindlessly munch on a bagel thinking that you’re hungry, drink a glass of water and wait for a few minutes. This will give you enough time to confirm if you are truly famished or not.


Many attempts to adopt a healthier lifestyle fail because people satisfy their need for happiness and emotional satisfaction with food. Notice that when you are stressed, you crave something sweet. Cortisol, your stress hormone, is the reason behind this. Try to be mindful and remember that real-life problems cannot be solved with food. Even if you’re snacking on the right foods, you still need to be careful not to use them irresponsibly.


If you’re serious about getting fit and healthy, you shouldn’t deprive yourself of something you want to eat. There is no such thing as a perfect diet. We are humans and it’s natural to crave things that tastes good. The secret to achieving the best results is to find a healthy eating plan that fits your lifestyle. If you have snacks that you love but know they’re full of sugar, have a small serving instead of none. If you deprive yourself, you’ll be less likely to stick to your healthy eating plan. 

What do you think of our ideal snacking tips? Follow these 5 great pieces of advice on snacking and we assure you that you’ll be reaping the physical, emotional, and mental benefits of a better lifestyle. 

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