Smoking kills. But in an era when the starkest of warnings seems to elicit the most apathetic of shrugs, let’s also say this; smoking smells. It costs, a lot. Smoking harms other and the planet. The list goes on. But you’ve probably tried all this right?
Indeed, when someone close to you is trying to give up the cigs, simply stating the negatives is rarely the most effective method of helping them knock the habit on the head. Instead, a holistic approach, with guidance and advice, usually elicits more positive results. With that in mind, here are 5 IDEAL steps to help a loved one quit smoking.
When the craving hits, smokers will find a way to extricate themselves from the room to sneak off for a toke. Nicotine is powerful stuff, make no mistake, and the pull is strong. So, offer distractions from the craving and excuses to stay present. We don’t mean an old school ‘hey look over there!’ whilst you snatch the cigarettes from their grasp. More, keep the conversation flowing, the entertainment on and your support and presence a constant.

It might seem like the easy way out or only a partial approach to success, but by finding short term nicotine replacements, the first step on the road to giving up is tentatively placed. The rest will follow, in time. Nicotine withdrawal can be a real downer, making you restless and irritable. Opting for an intake of nicotine without the other harmful toxic chemicals can make kicking the cigs, step-by-step, manageable.
One such way that many have chosen to leave the habit behind is by replacing cigarettes with an electronic alternative, or vape. Studies have suggested that the long-term effects of vaping are far less harmful than smoking cigarettes, as even though nicotine is still present, many of the auxiliary chemicals – such as carbon monoxide – are not.
Other nicotine replacements are effective, and more medically approved too. These include gum, nasal spray, lozenges or an inhaler.
For a chain smoker, going without a cigarette for an hour is an accomplishment. A day without one a further stepping stone and soon, a week without a packet represents something to celebrate. Make sure you acknowledge these milestones with a simple message of encouragement, pat on the back or small gift. It’s these moments of minor victory which all contribute to the final goal.

It’s a sad truth that so many of us succumb to cigarettes after we’ve had a drink. Our guard is down, our sense of responsibility lifted, and the act seems almost habitual with a pint in the other hand. A few precautionary measures on a night out can prevent this.
No matter the weather; come rain, snow or blizzard, real smokers will risk the elements to get their nicotine fix, right? However, having to leave the warmth of a pub and stand in the icy cold isn’t really worth it, is it? So leave your coat in the cloakroom or behind the bar so it’s more difficult to simply slip outside. And although this might sound weird, try wrapping a couple of plasters around your smoking fingers, to remind yourself when you reach for a cigarette of your steely resolve before you had a couple. Little things, we know, but they all add up in the fight to give up.
Though quitting smoking generally relies on self discipline and the motivation of peers, sometimes medical help is needed. The NHS offer a whole range of dedicated services designed to help you stop smoking, including facilitating access to prescription treatments such as Chamix, to one-to-one counselling sessions and stop smokings aids. There’s absolutely no stigma in seeking help – that’s what it’s there for, after all – so visit your GP, find your nearest NHS Stop Smoking service on their devoted Smokefree website, or call the Smokefree National Helpline on 0300 123 1044 to speak to a trained adviser.