Hey you! Yes you, the one scrolling through online lonely heart’s ads or couple’s counselling directories. The answer to your doomed love life may lie a little closer to home.
According to ancient Chinese architectural theory, the design of your home influences the balance of energy between occupants. If elements of your home are out of tune then it’s unlikely passion will be pitch-perfect either. With the help of Sarah Mcallister, founder of Feng Shui Agency, here are 5 IDEAL ways using feng shui in your home can improve your love life.
If your house has symmetry, then chances are the yin/yang balance is good and that means harmony will reign. Try to choose a property that is nicely balanced between the left and right hand sides, so that neither side of the building protrudes excessively when viewing it straight on. Avoid selecting a home on a steep slope as this will cause an imbalance within the occupants, as the energy falls away on one side. After all, you don’t want to be looking down or up at your partner, but deep into their eyes from a position of equality.
The hall is no doubt the most neglected ‘room’ in the house; purely functional and somewhere to be passed through and over in as quick a time as possible. But feng shui dictates that the hallway represents opportunity, and should as such be a clutter-free space full of light and positive chee. Create this through a carefully positioned mirror and understated flower arrangement. Keep things minimal, but thoughtfully composed. If done right, love’s blossoming is inevitable.
If the elements of water and fire are in harmony in the home, occupants of the house (also deemed to be fire and water) are less likely to argue. For example, never have an oven or stove too close the sink; this represents a clashing of elements which thrive better when balanced. If you do have such a clush, paint the cupboards a fresh green or put live houseplants (another wood element) around the sink.
Great Feng Shui in the bedroom equals a good night’s sleep – which means you can reach the end of the day with more ‘vitality’ energy, essential for a loving relationship. Add light, neutral colours (nothing too dominating, or bright or dark) to encourage relaxing and tranquil vibes, and make sure your bed is not positioned under a window but rather has a solid back behind it – this will help encourage deep sleep. A headboard is also highly recommended. Romantic energy is enhanced by scented candles and the aroma of fresh flowers, so consider all the senses when channelling the right bedroom energy.
Having great Feng Shui in the kitchen is really important, as this room is a place of nourishment for relationships. An overly dark colour palate here will extinguish any fire in a relationship, destroying passion in the process. Do not have your oven or stove positioned under a window or opposite the kitchen door; should you or your partner spend too much time fixating on the exit rather than a meal, well, the symbolism is obvious right?