Safety on the road is a priority for every driver. Having the right tools and equipment in your car can not only offer peace of mind, but also save your life in an emergency. Let’s have a look at five important things every car should have in order to stay safe on the road.

A First Aid Kit
A first aid kit is a must for every car; essential for providing first aid for injuries caused by road traffic accidents or other incidents. The first aid kit should contain bandages, plasters, antiseptics, sterile wipes, scissors and medical gloves. All these items will help to quickly deal with cuts, abrasions and other minor injuries before the ambulance arrives.
When choosing a first aid kit, it’sis important that all components are of good quality and have a long shelf life. Check the contents of your first aid kit regularly and restock as needed.
Studies show that having a first aid kit in your car can significantly increase your chances of surviving a road accident. A recent study by the Red Cross revealed that up to 59 percent of deaths from injury may have been prevented if first aid was given before the emergency medical services arrived. Reason enough to have a comprehensive kit in your car, don’t you think?
An Emergency Stop Sign
An emergency stop sign is used to warn other drivers that your car is on the side of the road due to a breakdown or accident. This is especially important in low visibility conditions such as fog or nighttime. The sign helps prevent collisions and provides added safety on the road.
Choose a sign that meets safety standards and is clearly visible from a distance. It should be bright and reflective of light. If a sign is required, stop your car at a safe distance from the road, turn on your emergency lights and place the sign at least 30 metres away from the car.
Experts recommend having a good quality sign in your car that will be visible even in poor visibility conditions.

A Glass Breaker
A glass breaker is a tool that can save a life in an emergency situation. It is used to quickly break the windows of a car in case the doors are locked, and you need to leave the car immediately. This can be especially important in an accident or if the car has hit water.
Choose a glass breaker with a comfortable handle and a reliable mechanism for breaking glass. It should be compact and easily accessible. Place it in a convenient place, such as in the glove compartment or on the side of the door. In an emergency, hold the glass breaker firmly, aim at the corner of the window and strike with enough force to break the glass.
Safety experts say that a glass breaker should be in every car, especially those that are frequently driven near bodies of water.
A Fire Extinguisher
A fire extinguisher is another must-have safety item in a car. It can prevent the spread of fire and save lives in the event of a fire. Whatever the cause of the fire – whether it’s a short circuit or a fuel leak – a fire extinguisher can help to quickly put out the flames and minimise damage.
Choose a fire extinguisher designed for use in a vehicle. It should be certified and have enough capacity to put out a small fire. Place the extinguisher in an easily accessible place, such as under the driver’s seat or in the boot. Check its condition regularly and replace it as necessary. In the event of a fire, aim the extinguisher jet at the base of the flames and use short, targeted discharges.
Experts recommend that drivers regularly check the condition of their fire extinguisher and be trained in its use.
Read: 5 of the best pieces of car care equipment to invest in
High-Visibility Waistcoats
High visibility waistcoats are designed to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers when leaving the vehicle on the carriageway, especially in low visibility conditions or at night. They help other drivers to spot you in time to avoid a collision.
Choose brightly coloured waistcoats with reflective stripes that meet safety standards. Preferably have waistcoats for all vehicle occupants. Keep waistcoats in an easily accessible place, such as in a door pocket or under the seat. Wear the waistcoat before exiting the vehicle to be visible to other road users.
Experts strongly recommend having waistcoats in every car and always using them when getting out on the road.
The Bottom Line
Having a first aid kit, an emergency stop sign, a glass beacon, a fire extinguisher and high visibility waistcoats in your car is a must for road safety. These items will help you deal with unexpected situations and provide protection in the event of an accident or breakdown. Choosing the right items and checking these items regularly will help you feel protected and confident in any road situation. Research and expert opinion confirm the importance of these measures to prevent accidents and save lives.