As the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata once galvanised, ‘’It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.’’

But despite all of their hard work and sacrifices, providing foundation, motion and support, the feet are arguably the most neglected part of the body. 

Aside from occasional toenail clipping and a few scrubs during bath time (if that!), more often than not, the feet only get the care they deserve when they experience medical issues and don’t function as they should. By which point, any podiatric problems may have gotten out of hand. Or should that be ‘out of foot’? Anyway… 

Are you guilty of neglecting proper foot care? Before denying all culpability, pause for a while and observe your feet; they will give you an honest answer. Stand up and be counted; here are 5 signs that you haven’t been taking proper care of your feet.


One of the most obvious signs that you are neglecting foot care is stinky feet. If your feet emit an unpleasant odour every time you take off your shoes, that means bacteria and fungus are building up and even thriving. These microbes love dark, damp areas, like the inside of your sweaty shoes. Thus, the more your feet sweat and the longer you wear closed shoes, the more microorganisms will grow and start producing organic acids and volatile sulfur compounds that smell bad. 

Fortunately, you can readily address smelly feet by observing basic foot hygiene. For starters, you may want to (really, you should) wash your feet thoroughly every day. Pay extra attention when drying them since moisture invites bacteria to grow. It is also best to wear a fresh pair of socks daily to keep your feet sweat-free. 

To ensure maximum benefits, and particularly important if you work on your feet all day in active environments (for example, as a chef or a nurse), you should shop antimicrobial socks that inhibit the growth of odour-causing bacteria and help in keeping your feet fresh-smelling. Moreover, try airing your shoes out for a couple of days before wearing them again to ensure they are dry. Remember, sweaty shoes are breeding grounds for microorganisms.

By Kitzcorner from Getty Images via Canva


You probably spend a lot of time moisturising your face and body in the morning and before you go to bed to keep your skin healthy and radiant. Now, look at the skin of your feet and your heels. If you notice extreme dryness, flakiness and cracked heels, you are most likely not giving your feet the same loving attention as your face and body. 

Flaky skin and cracked heels usually stem from a lack of moisture, and you may not realise it, but your feet are prone to dryness as they have fewer oil glands. As such, occasionally applying body lotion might not be enough.

Your feet require intensive moisturising products and additional care to remain soft and smooth, and if you notice dryness, pamper your feet with thick moisturisers at least twice a day. You may also want to slather petroleum jelly or heavy oil-based cream on your feet, then put on a pair of cotton socks before going to bed to allow better hydrating action. You can also find foot masks in high street beauty stores that are surprisingly effective at soothing and nourishing dry feet.


Do you feel thick, rough, and hardened areas of skin on your feet? If you do, these are calluses – another common sign of foot neglect. Calluses develop because of excess pressure and friction, and usually appear when you repeatedly wear tight shoes, high heels, and ill-fitting footwear. 

Address existing calluses and avoid future occurrences by paying extra care when selecting shoes. Opt for comfy pairs that offer your toes plenty of room to stretch. You can also try wearing socks or protective paddings to reduce friction significantly. 


Perhaps you exercise regularly. You run, bike, or walk for miles, all in the name of keeping your heart, lungs and even your mind healthy. Good for you, but we’re sure that we don’t need to tell you twice about the impact all those cardio sessions can have on your feet.

Or maybe your work requires you to be on your feet most of the time? Whatever reason you have for overexerting your feet, your foot muscles probably hurt most of the time. And pain is an undeniable sign that you’re failing to care for your feet properly. Relieve pain by icing, elevating your legs, and resting. You may also want to give your feet a good massage to induce relaxation and ease tired muscles. 

Read: 5 tips for looking after tired feet

To reduce incidences of sore feet, you’ll want to practice good foot care habits as well; because prevention is better than cure, after all.

Consider giving your feet ample time to rest after strenuous activity or standing for too long. Choosing to wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes with well-cushioned soles is also a good way to care for your feet. You can also add foot massage to your nightly routine to improve blood circulation and to relax stiff muscles.

By Joaquin Corbalan from Getty Images


Your toenails also say a lot about your foot care habits. If you notice discolouration, chipping, or deformity in your toenails, you definitely need to pay attention to your feet more. 

Unhealthy-looking toenails are often caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes and fungal infections. You can treat toenail fungus with over-the-counter antifungal medication and by keeping your feet clean and dry all the time. Make sure that your toenails remain healthy and attractive by wearing shoes in the right size, clipping them properly, and ensuring that your shoes are dirt and moisture-free before putting them on. 


We think it’s safe to say that this article had you standing up and taking note. Your feet work diligently every day to help you go places and enjoy different activities. Thus, the least you can do to show your gratitude is to care for them the right way. Keep them clean and dry, apply moisturiser often, pick the right socks and footwear, and pamper them regularly. Always aim to go beyond basic foot care, and you will enjoy the benefits of having healthy and attractive feet. Result!

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