Let’s be realistic – trauma is likely to affect us all at varying degrees during our lives. Perhaps you’ve been in a car accident, suffered a close bereavement, or you’re the victim of an assault. Whatever your story, trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, and can cause emotional and physical toil whose after effects shouldn’t be ignored. Coping mechanisms, legal and professional help and keeping a support network close are all vital steps in processing pain.
Post-traumatic stress disorder affects us all in different ways, through flashbacks, nightmares, unfounded guilt and insomnia, and there is no shame in seeking advice, guidance and treatment. So, here are five steps crucial in dealing with trauma when you don’t know where to turn.
Report the Incident
If you were the target of an assault, it’s vital that you report the incident immediately. The idea of telling the police may be daunting, but reporting the event is the first step toward accepting that what happened to you wasn’t okay. The authorities will also need to collect evidence for a court case, should you decide to press charges against your assailant, and this is best obtained right after the incident took place. Holding attackers accountable for their actions will also prevent further assaults on others, so you’ll be doing the noble thing.
Seek Emotional Support
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes doesn’t kick in until weeks or even months after a traumatic event, so don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t need to address the emotional ramifications of what happened. Lean on loved ones for support, and confide in those you can trust about what you’re experiencing, even if you feel fine right now. That way, if you do find yourself struggling, you’ll have a support system already in place.
Get Legal Advice
If your trauma was the result of criminal activity such as an attack or assault, you should seek legal counsel to see if you’re entitled to criminal injuries compensation. These incidents can result in both physical injuries and emotional trauma, both of which you can claim criminal injuries compensation for, even if the perpetrator isn’t in custody.
See a Professional Counsellor
Moving on from a traumatic event is not usually something you can do on your own. While you may be able to contact your friends and family for support, you also need to consider seeking professional help, particularly if your eating and sleeping habits have changed. If you’re not comfortable seeing someone one-on-one, you could attend a support group in your area.
Process Your Feelings
Denial is a classic symptom of trauma, and sometimes an event is so awful that you’re desperate to forget that it happened. This isn’t necessarily the most helpful way to deal with the emotional fallout, however. It’s better to try to accept what happened and process any feelings that arise. Our brains have a way of trying to process traumatic events, but they aren’t always helpful. If you’re struggling to move past the denial phase, it might be time to enlist the help of a professional counsellor.
The effects of trauma can be severe, culminating in long-term mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. However, with the right strategies and a good support system in place, you can (and will) cope with a traumatic event and start moving on with your life.
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