9 Surprising Ways To Destress & Ease Tension In Uncertain Times

‘’Stress’’… Even saying the word out loud seems to goad the adrenaline and cortisol in our bodies. Perhaps it’s the hissing final sound, reminiscent of a kettle that’s about the explode. Maybe it’s the harshness of the close-mid front unrounded vowel, otherwise known as the ‘e’. Or, is it stress by association? 

Regardless of the reason, it’s a troubling truth that Brits are stressed. Indeed, back in 2018, it was reported that three in four of us felt overwhelmed by stress, and considering what’s happened in the ensuing years, we can only imagine that ratio is even higher now.

Finding peace of mind in uncertain times involves tried and tested methods like exercising regularly and securing your future alongside innovative solutions to stress, the latter of which we’ll explore today. 

With that in mind, here are 9 surprising ways to destress and ease tension in uncertain times.

Take A Cold Shower

The benefits of cold water swimming have been documented in the news on a near daily basis recently. But did you know that you can enjoy comparable benefits without having to leave the house? That’s because taking a cold water shower may offer similar perks in the wellbeing department.

Indeed, one 2008 study found that cold hydrotherapy could lower your heart rate by 15%. As many sufferers of stress will know, an increased heart rate is a common symptom.

Perhaps even more interesting was research from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, which reported that three minute cold showers once or twice a day might be enough to help ease the symptoms of low mood.

Read: What are the health benefits of taking a cold shower?

Engage In A Spot Of Digital Gardening

In an age where our lives are intertwined with technology, the concept of ‘digital gardening’ might come as a surprise. This doesn’t involve tending to virtual plants, but rather curating and organising your digital space in a way that promotes mental clarity and relaxation.

Just as you would pull weeds and plant flowers in a garden, digital gardening involves decluttering your online presence, pruning unnecessary files, organising your digital photos, and even ‘planting’ new ideas in the form of learning new digital skills. This mindful approach to our digital lives can significantly reduce stress by creating a sense of order and accomplishment.

Explore Aromachology

While aromatherapy is well-known, aromachology is the lesser-known science of how smells impact our emotions and behaviours. Surprisingly, certain scents can do more than just please the nose; they can actually alter stress levels. For instance, research has shown that the scent of black tea may help reduce stress levels, and the smell of green apple could even help alleviate migraine pain. Incorporating aromachology into your daily routine by using scented candles, diffusers, or even perfumes can provide a subtle yet effective way to manage stress.

Try ‘Laughter Yoga’

Laughter yoga combines the deep breathing exercises of yoga with laughter exercises, which can lead to genuine laughter. It’s based on the premise that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.

Surprisingly, laughter yoga has been shown to reduce stress hormone levels. It’s a social, fun, and surprising way to destress that can be done in groups or even alone. The idea of laughing without humour might seem odd at first, but the body can’t differentiate between real and fake laughter, so the benefits are the same.

Chew Gum

Fresh from the pocket (or should that be ‘packet’?) of Big Chewing Gum comes research suggesting that chewing the stuff can help manage stress and anxiety. Indeed, in a study organised by the Wrigley Science Institute regarding the effects of gum chewing on mood and cortisol levels during psychological stress, it was found that ‘’Gum chewers showed a reduction in anxiety as compared to non-gum chewers by nearly 17 percent’’.

But that’s not all; the study also found that levels of salivary cortisol (a stress marker) were lower in gum chewers. Who knew?

The reason this might work is that chewing gum gives your mouth something to do; when you chew gum, it engages the muscles that control your jaw. Of course, chewing gum isn’t great for the planet, so ideally you should be opting for a biodegradable chewing gum like True Gum.

The Power Of Planning

As UKAT, a private mental health clinic in London, tell us, proper planning is a potent stress reliever, akin to an anchor in the tumultuous sea of life. It’s about more than just health insurance, which, while providing peace of mind beyond the NHS’s safety net, is only one facet of a comprehensive strategy for future security.

Effective planning encompasses financial foresight, such as savings and retirement plans, and extends to daily life management, like organising schedules and meal prepping. It’s the clarity of knowing your next steps, reducing the need to live reactively, which can be a significant source of stress.

In short, planning grants a sense of control amidst uncertainty, smoothing out life’s wrinkles before they become stressors. It’s a simple truth: a well-planned life is a calmer one.

Practice Deprocrastination

Procrastination is a normal part of life, and we all do it from time to time. But when we do procrastinate too often, our priorities become confused, and this can lead to stress. And here’s the rub; when you’re stressed, you’re more likely to procrastinate, which creates a vicious circle.

Learn to prioritise more efficiently and manage your personal time more effectively, and you may well see your stress drop in tandem.

Focus On Thing Thing At A Time

Linked inextricably to procrastinating, it could well be posited that multitasking is one of the chief causes of stress in daily life. Whether that’s purely anecdotal remains another matter…

Anyway, do you live yours in such a rush that you’re using three screens simultaneously but aren’t fully present on any of them? Are you guilty of brushing your teeth whilst taking a shower and having a shave? Yep, you’ve brushed toothpaste all over your face and shaved all the enamel off your gnashers…

Focus on one thing at a time, and feel that stress wash away. A way to embrace being in the present is by completing every single daily task with care and respect for the process. A major aspect of the much-lauded Japanese productivity-focused philosophy of Kaizen is that by completing each and every daily task with rigour and to your full potential, you will incrementally – even unknowingly – become the best (and least stressed) version of yourself.

Via Canva

Smile Like You Mean It

It might sound silly – hey, it might even feel silly – but standing in front of the mirror and practicing your full range of smiles is a great way to destress. In fact, studies have shown that smiling regularly – even if it’s forced or fake – releases endorphins, natural painkillers and serotonin, elevating mood and reducing physical and emotional pain. All of which leads to a less stressed-out version of yourself, both outwardly but, most importantly, inwardly too. 

*This article is not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment given by a qualified mental health professional. Instead, this article only provides information, not advice. For any medical enquiries, always consult your GP first*

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