With Lockdown 3.0 looming, and people desperate for that sense of ‘new year, new me’, it’s no surprise that people are keen and concerned in equal measure to keep their homes tidy and clean as 2020 comes to a close.

We’re all going to be spending a lot more time at home as 2021 begins, and with a sparkling home comes the feeling of a fresh start. Today, we’ve teamed up with the experts at Cleaning Express, who offer a cleaning service in London, to bring you this lockdown cleaning checklist; here are 10 places needing special attention at home.


You may be surprised to learn that washing machines can actually be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Somewhat counterintuitive, we realise, but surprisingly, they’re not actually perfect at washing away germs.

To avoid this, we suggest running your washing machine with a specific washing machine cleaner, or, alternatively, set your washing machine on cleaning mode with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar at a 4:1 ratio inside the drum. 

It’s also a good idea to leave your washing machine door open for a little while after each use to let it ‘breathe’.


When we talk of touch points, we refer to things such as door knobs and handles, which receive a huge amount of hand traffic during the day. From doors separating rooms to handles on kitchen cabinets and even your letterbox, it’s important you ensure that all are wiped over regularly as these can be places in which viruses can linger and subsequently spread.


If you have hardwood floors, we suggest scrubbing them with a tough brush to really lift that unseen dirt and grime. If you have carpets, you may want to try a carpet cleaning powder that works with any domestic vacuum cleaner.

Alternatively, to get rid of dirt, grime and smells from your carpets by sprinkling them with bicarbonate of soda (is there anything it can’t do?!) around 20 minutes before hoovering. If you like, you can also spray the carpet with white vinegar for added effect. While cleaning, if you discover any stains on those carpets, then soak a flannel in water for a few minutes and place it on the mark. Next, run over the flannel with a hot iron. You’ll soon find that stain will break up and be easier to clean afterwards. 


From the kitchen to the bathroom and beyond, ensure all surfaces are cleaned thoroughly once a day using an antibacterial surface cleaner. This should extend to non-permanent ‘surfaces’ such as chopping boards, which see a lot of action.


As well as ensuring lights are cleaned and free of dust, you may also want to go over light switches. These are yet another touch point that must not be missed. Again, anti-bacterial spray is ideal here.


You’ll find your soft furnishings will have had a lot of extra use over the Christmas period, with Christmas Dinner induced food comas causing crumbs and chaos to fall on the sofa. Ensure these are washed regularly, in your newly fresh smelling washing machine. Wash cushion covers and pillowcases, too, and if you can, tumble dry afterwards.


Hallways can very quickly build up dirt, especially during lockdown thanks to more frequent use with households remaining indoors more. Focus on skirting boards and front door mats, especially, which are often neglected but particularly deserving of your attention. 


Front doors can become a harbinger of germs, and represent a rather fragile barrier between your home and the big, bad outside world beyond. Be sure to clean your door handles, as well as the locks and door chains, with anti-bacterial cleaner.


As your oven will no doubt be getting extra use over the Christmas period, it’s a good idea to give it a thorough clean both inside and out; no one wants smoke filling the room from accumulated grease on Christmas Day, after all.

Wipe it down regularly on the outside and use a combination of baking soda and vinegar for an effective and affordable way to tackle any burnt on food inside. Other kitchen appliances used for cooking, such as microwaves and air fryers, need a similar level of attention.


You do not need to wash your clothes on boiling hot washes. However, washing at 60 degrees with a quality detergent will be effective enough to ensure they’re clean and free of germs. 

If you’d like to book in professional cleaning for your home during or after lockdown, please don’t hesitate to contact Cleaning Express today on 0203 633 0390. The team are more than happy to provide you with a thorough and efficient cleaning service in London to not only ensure you have a clean and safe home but also put your mind at rest during these unsettling times.

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