Are you a part of the one-third of Britons who are still working from home? Have you optimised your home office experience so fully – with ergonomic furniture, the latest tech, and a carefully choreographed break routine – that you see little point in returning to the office? Or, are you looking for new and novel ways to improve your working from home set-up, to boost productivity and reduce stress? 

Whilst we’re sure you’re sick of the rhetorical questions by now, we’re going to pose just one more; have you considered introducing aroma diffusers to your domestic working arrangement? 

The power of aroma is hard to deny, with our sense of smell able to brighten our day or sour our mood, all with just one sniff. Today, we’re considering the IDEAL aromas to introduce to your home office to help with stress relief, relaxation, concentration and more. Noses at the ready, let’s explore further…


Essential oils have the power to inspire all kinds of changes in mood and outlook, and when you’re working in your home office, you’re going to want to channel the power of aroma in ways beneficial to productivity in particular.

That’s where the scent of rosemary comes in. In fact, studies have found that the essential oils of this hardy perennial herb can stimulate the brain, affecting mood states. Further research has even suggested that the aroma can help students with focus and memory. And in a place like the home office which is so synonymous with distraction, that sounds ideal, don’t you think?

To get the full power of the fragrance, it’s best to seek out a distillation of rosemary’s essential oil rather than simply wafting a sprig of the stuff around periodically. For the best dispersal in your home office, you’ll need an aroma diffuser; check out Smellacloud and the aroma diffusers they offer. They have a variety of different styles to complement your office, allowing you to be discerning with the essential oils you diffuse. 


You know what they say about death and taxes? That they are life’s two great certainties. Well, we think we’ve found a third; at some point in the working week, you are going to feel stressed. That’s a given. 

This might be about a big project that is coming to a close with looming deadlines, or because something has gone wrong with a client. No matter what the cause of the stress is, know that there are things you can do to alleviate this feeling and remain productive.

Namely, you can try using an aroma diffuser in your home workspace, deploying an essential oil that promotes stress relief. There are a range of essential oils out there that are linked to helping you alleviate stress and improve mood. These include:

  • Lavender
  • Bergamot
  • Lemon
  • Chamomile 
  • Rose
  • Jasmine

Lavender is a particularly effective tool in the fight against stress. In fact, according to clinical trials reported in the U.S National Library of Medicine, ‘’Lavender aromatherapy has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety’’. Food (or rather, flower) for thought, indeed.


We all know that you hit a certain point in the day where you struggle to concentrate. This can often lead to procrastination, which can be a particular problem when you work from home and distraction lingers around every corner. 

If you have a huge workload, you simply cannot afford to fall off the wagon. So, what can you do? Well, you can try using essential oils of citrus and an aroma diffuser in your home office.

There are certain essential oils that are said to be great for encouraging concentration during the day. These include orange and lemon if you like citrus oils, as well as rosemary and peppermint. 

The smell of citrus fruit, particularly when being zested, has been shown to give us a boost of energy and, erm, zest. What’s more, it’s also said that these wonder fruits promote the body’s production of serotonin, the happy chemical in our brains. And they’re thought to improve cognitive performance – incredible.


The temptation for another gaze into the fridge looking for answers (and snacks) is often too much to take when working from home.

If you want to avoid overeating in your home office, you may wish to try using a diffuser to deploy the power of aroma. You might be thinking; how on earth is this going to help? 

Well, there are some studies to suggest that certain essential oils may be able to help control your appetite. This is particularly relevant to grapefruit oil. It is suggested that this might help with appetite and avoid you snacking compulsively. This is because not only does grapefruit oil contain activate enzymes that help break down fat and aid digestion, but the essential oil also boasts D-limonene, which helps to support your metabolism.

Another essential oil that may help is peppermint, which also works wonders for digestion. Result!


First thing in the morning, we could all do with a boost to be able to start the day and be productive. Well, this is where an aroma diffuser may be helpful for you. Again, there are studies that suggest some essential oils are good for an energy boost and to improve your mood. So, you can diffuse them in the morning to start your day off on a good note. Some of the essential oils you may wish to try are:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Frankincense
  • Lemongrass
  • Wild orange

And with that, we hope you find joy and inspiration in the power of aroma!

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