Make way for chunky knits, cooler weather and hot drinks – Autumn is upon us. With the change of season comes a change in haircare. Now is the perfect time to repair damage that occurred to the hair during the care-free summer months and to bring back life, volume and shine. Celebrity hairstylist and style director at the Daniel Galvin salon in Mayfair, Asgar Saboo, shares his top 5 tips to repairing damage and bringing life back to the hair:
Argan it!
Switch to moisturising shampoos and conditioners with Argan Oil in them, which will help turn dry, coarse hair into a silky soft, shiny mane.
Spritz it!
Heat damage from the summer sun and hair styling tools can cause hair to become frizzy. To fix this, spritz heat protecting spray onto hair before styling or blow-drying to prevent frizz.
Trim it
Get a fresh trim to start the Autumn season and relieve your hair of any split-ends caused by sandy beaches and salty air which can damage hair and lead to breakage.
Moisture it!
Inject moisture back into your hair by using a hair mask once to twice a week. Say goodbye to dry hair!
Volumize it!
Create more volume by using a volume-boosting shampoo, and blow-drying the hair upside down. This technique, paired with the shampoo will ensure maximum volume added to your hair, giving you a healthier, bouncier style for Autumn.