If you work in an office, then you know how dynamic the office environment can be. You spend most of your waking time in your office and even more time there than you spend with your spouse or family. You’re thrown together with a mixture of personalities that you may not particularly like. Your office can change your personality, too. You may take on some traits or personality roles you never knew you had in you.

There’s no denying the fact that the workplace is a hot-pot of different personalities since no two people are alike. If you’re working in a global office, where there are many employees of different cultures and beliefs, all the more that this fact also becomes evident. 

Apart from that, every employee also has their own work ethics or professionalism value. While you may have the same goal, which is to further the objectives of your workplace, each of you may also have different ways of achieving that. So, it’s easy to see why in the workplace, there can be difficulties when it comes to personality.


It is important to the overall office dynamic that you and your peers get one. Ensuring that you work well with your peers is important for teamwork. Most offices cannot survive unless there is a good amount of teamwork. Despite the fact that you all have your respective differences, this doesn’t mean that your work dynamics also have to suffer.

As professionals, it’s very important to learn when to put aside whatever differences in beliefs, culture, and work ethics it is that you have. For instance, the introvert has to learn to work well with the extrovert, and vice-versa. In so doing, you’re able to ensure that you become more effective employees. 

If you let your different work personalities get in the way of achieving the goals and office requirements that you have, you lose your professionalism, productivity suffers, and the office camaraderie is also disrupted.


Socialization is very important even in the workplace; no man is an island. If your office personality may influence how well you socialize with your peers. If you are the leader of your office, you may come across as approachable however keep your distance from staff. The leader of the team is a senior member of staff who is always willing to help out the newbies should they ever need a helping hand.

If you are the egoist you may have a lot in common with David Brent. The infamous boss in the office. This may hold you back from achieving personal relationships, as you tend to be fairly full of yourself. With this kind of personality, it may be easy to fall into the trap of office politics. Be sure not to let this get in the way of your work efficiency and the relationship that you’re building with your peers.

If you wish to start creating important relationships you can very easily change your office personality and start becoming more integrated into office socializing. Instead of working late every night while your peers go out, why not join them.

Cezanne human resources management software brings this infographic to you, it’s a quiz designed to help you understand what role you play in your office.  However, it is just a quiz and cannot tell you what role you exactly play. Don’t forget that the office is always changing and open to allowing others to change.


With this simple infographic or personality chart, you now know what kind of office personality it is that you have. But, this doesn’t mean that it’s totally representative of yourself. If there’s an area that you’d like to improve in or change, it’s doable – in fact, it’s highly recommended. 

Try taking that chart test also with your peers. When you discover more about each other, you also know when to adjust and to be more understanding of the differences that each of you may have.

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