Gratin, meaning a dish with a lightly browned crust of breadcrumbs or melted cheese, is the ultimate side dish for Christmas dinner. Use a good quality cheddar cheese like  Davidstow and add hazelnuts for a fancy, festive twist.

Serves: 4


  • 500g brussel sprouts
  • 60g blanched hazelnuts
  • 50g butter
  • 50g flour
  • 400g full fat milk
  • 50g white wine
  • 100g Davidstow® 12 Month Mature cheddar, grated
  • 150g white leek sliced (discard the green part)
  • 20g chopped sage
  • 30g chopped parsley
  • 50g breadcrumbs
  • Fine salt and white pepper


1. Preheat a fan assisted oven to 170°c
2. Quarter the brussel sprouts and cook in boiling salted water for 1 minute. Plunge them into ice water to retain their colour and to stop them cooking.
3. Once cool, drain them well and roast in a frying pan with butter until they are lightly roasted and golden brown.
4. Toast the hazelnuts in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Allow to cool. Now crush these roughly.
5. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in the flour and cook for 2 minutes.
6. Remove the pan from the heat add the white wine. Cook this out for 1-2 minutes, stirring well.
7. Now gradually add the milk, stirring continuously to ensure you get a smooth sauce.
8. Return to the heat and simmer very gently, stirring continuously. Simmer for 8-10 minutes.
9. Remove from the heat, add the grated cheese and stir in well. Season with salt and white pepper.
10. Sweat off leeks without colour, add brussel sprout quarters, mix together and remove from the heat
11. Add crushed roasted hazelnuts and chopped herbs.
12. Place the mixture into a small gratin or earthenware dish. Now pour over the warm cheese sauce.
13. Sprinkle over breadcrumbs and some more finely grated Davidstow® 12 Month Mature cheddar.
14. Bake for 6-8 minutes until golden brown.

By Lee Westcott for Davidstow®

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