Hey you. Are you feeling unfulfilled? Are you moping around at home feeling sorry for yourself? If you’re reading this article you’re probably looking for ways to help you feel better. Well, the answer you won’t find through the internet alone. A little proactivity where your state of mind is concerned can go a long way, and scrolling, swiping and clicking won’t alleviate a low mood alone.

Instead, you can boost your wellbeing by taking ownership of how you live your life.  With this in mind, here are 7 IDEAL ways to boost your wellbeing.


Perhaps this will come as a surprise, and perhaps it’s good news; but improving your own wellbeing isn’t just about you. Evidence suggests that giving too, and helping, others improves our mood. Even the smallest act can count, including issuing a smile, saying thank you or simply paying a compliment. Are you thinking something nice about someone? Then why not drop them a Whatsapp message, or better yet pick up the phone and tell them.


There are so many benefits to cooking for yourself and others. We believe that cooking your own meals is therapeutic; good for the soul as well as the taste buds. Preparing a meal for others makes us feel happy and connected, bringing people together and enhancing social interaction. There’s also an element of self care in cooking. When you cook good food for yourself, you’re nourishing your mind and body and a sense of purpose and pride is restored.

Make sure you include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet, prioritising variety and colour to ensure you’re getting the full spectrum of nutrients. If you’re going to snack, make sure your in-between-meal eating is healthy, too; right now we’re loving these Ember Biltong, which are nutritious, delicious and ethically sourced.


Just as cooking your own meals can make you feel accomplished, learning a new hobby increases our sense of wellbeing, too. Taking on and honing new skills can give you a sense of achievement and confidence unparalleled in other pursuits. Even picking up a new book or  reading about a new subject counts towards this end. There’s no shame in taking small steps at the start of the journey, after all.


Practicing a healthy work-life balance starts with aiming to work smarter, not harder. This is largely achieved by getting organised. If you’re the boss, hire employees you can delegate work to, and if you’re part of a team, share responsibility for managing your time more effectively.


Nature is soothing for your mind, body and soul. When you need a break from your busy life, consider going out into nature and losing yourself for a while. Take a long hike with your dog or walk a new trail in your area. Never feel guilty for completely removing yourself from your daily responsibilities for a few hours to clear your head and think in nature.


It may not feel like it, but it’s always possible to squeeze in a little time for exercise during the working day. Are you a freelancer working from home? Then you could try out a workout video or why not do some star jumps every few hours? Do you work from an office? Then consider getting up a little earlier and doing a quick half hour before work. Even something as simple as taking the stairs, not the lift, or getting off the tube a stop early, can burn a few calories and help clear your mind.   

Alternatively, why not dedicated some of your domestic space to a workout area, if you don’t have the time or willpower to join the gym? It’s possible to construct a small home gym in a garage, living room, or even in your garden.


Stress, sleep, exercise  – it’s all connected to your wellbeing. If your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it can react by producing an elevated level of stress hormones. There’s nothing worse than settling down for a good night’s sleep, only to find yourself wide awake by 3AM, watching your alarm clock edge closer and closer to morning.

You know that you’ll be completely out of whack the next day and your feeling of wellbeing will seriously suffer.

Take control with a few simple steps; eliminate the blue light of devices an hour before bed; keep on top of exercise; don’t drink too much caffeine or alcohol in the evening and practice yoga or meditation regularly. Simple things we know, but all proven to be effective in granting a better night’s sleep.

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