Winter Hair Care 101: Golden Rules For Protecting Your Hair From Damage

Oh, take us back to the summer; lazy, hazy days spent laying on dry ground, the mercury breaking records, our footballers almost doing the same, and our hair; long, luscious and manageable. Fast forward a few months and the unpredictable winter weather combined with dry indoor air has wreaked havoc on our locks, with strong and healthy hair a distance, seasonally-defined memory.

How To Protect Your Hair From Damage This Winter

To prevent the frizzed, end-split look, it’s important to bear a few simple routine tweaks in mind. Here are the golden rules for protecting your hair from damage this winter.

Hydration Stations

A beauty benefactor that’s never truer than in winter; ample hydration. You should drink a lot of water to stave off the dreaded dry hair (and skin, too). Just as plants need water to grow and thrive, so does your hair.

Getting enough hydration into your body will eventually reach your hair, leaving you will thick, confidently growing locks. Dandruff will also be reduced due to stimulation of the surface of your head, preventing a flaky, dry scalp. Drinking enough water, it seems, is key to hair health.

Warm, Not Hot

A mantra to remember with regard to both shower and house temperature. Firstly, if your shower head is running piping hot, the water will shock your scalp, possibly even burning it. And no one wants that.

It’ll also dry out your scalp and hair, making it brittle and damaging the roots. In some cases, it’s also speculated that really hot showers may eventually lead to hair loss – further clarifying the need to turn the dial down a notch or two.

Wash Your Hair Less

During summer, you get used to washing your hair frequently and often let it dry freely. However, it would help if you changed your hair-washing routine during the cold season because using too much shampoo can strip it of its natural oils and leave it more vulnerable to cold temperatures. While there is no magic formula everyone can use to wash their hair to prevent damage and breakage, washing it less during winter is advisable. Suppose you have a dry scalp; washing it too often during winter can worsen your condition. Swapping the traditional products for gentler versions is recommended to ensure the ingredients aren’t too harsh on your scalp. 

If you have greasy hair, try integrating dry shampoo into your hair care routine to keep your locks looking fresh for longer. 

Review Your Hair Care Routine

The essential part of your winter hair routine is moisturising it properly. When you buy new products, look for those that boost hydration and moisture in your hair. You use a hydrating shampoo that moisturizes your scalp and hair and complete the treatment with a nourishing mask or conditioner. In case you suffer from redness or flaking, it’s best to use products designed for a sensitive scalp.

Additionally, if you have damaged or excessively dry hair, you can add damaged hair products to your routine. Moisture and hydration are paramount to keeping your hair healthy during winter. You can experiment with different products until you find your magic combination. 

Choose The Right Hat

Yep, we know the winter hat is fashion as well as functional, but it’s important you choose one which will both protect you from the elements and not do unwelcome damage to your hair. A hat which is too tight, or made from material which doesn’t let your scalp breathe, is going to be detrimental to hair health, regardless of the snow, wind, and rain which it blocks.

Don’t Overstyle

The same rules apply to your appliances. When possible, try to let your hair dry naturally after washing as cutting down on heating appliances like hairdryers and straighteners will keep your hair moisturised and soft. Constantly moving from the cold outdoors to the warm, dry indoors in winter can affect the hair so reducing your hair’s exposure to further extreme changes in temperature will keep your hair healthy.

Stay Inside While Your Hair Dries

We all know the story. You’ve had your shower and you’re in a rush to hit the town; there’s not enough time to wait for your hair to dry, and you’ve been advised (above perhaps?) not to overdo the appliances during the winter months. The only solution, then, is to step out with hair still wet.

Big mistake. Firstly, you’ll catch a cold you crazy thing. But more importantly, going outside with wet hair can do serious damage to your hair; when wet hair meets freezing cold conditions, it becomes less supple and much more vulnerable to breakage.

Wear Protective Headwear While You Sleep

In the battle against winter hair damage, don’t underestimate the power of protective headwear while you sleep. Friction from tossing and turning can lead to breakage and dryness, but wearing a silk or satin bonnet or scarf can significantly reduce this damage.

Indeed, it’s best to opt for materials that reduce friction to prevent damage and breakage, such as ankara fabric instead of cotton, with the latter prone to stripping your hair of moisture. These smooth fabrics help to maintain your hair’s natural oils and keep your style in place, leading to less morning maintenance. For those who prefer not to wear something on their heads, a silk or satin pillowcase can serve as a friction-reducing alternative, ensuring your hair glides smoothly as you sleep.

Customised caps are also available for those with unique hair types, such as long locks or bountiful curls, offering tailored protection and comfort. Beyond just reducing friction, these protective coverings are instrumental in moisture retention, locking in both your hair’s natural hydration and any applied products.

This simple nighttime habit can make a substantial difference in maintaining healthy hair throughout the harsh winter months, making it a worthy addition to your hair care regimen.

Use A Quality Brush

All the above recommendations are useful during winter, but you should add another tip to your list to keep your hair healthy during all seasons. You should invest in a quality brush to maintain the health and appearance of your hair. Buy a gentle one that improves your tangles and prevents breakage. A great option is the brush made of boar bristle because it smooths your hair and distributes the natural oils evenly. Don’t use brushes with plastic brittles because they are harsh on your hair and can cause permanent damage. 

The Bottom Line

As the winter season unfolds, it’s clear that our hair requires extra attention and care to combat the harsh elements and indoor heating that can lead to damage. Embracing the golden rules of winter hair care is not just about maintaining the health and integrity of your hair; it’s about adapting to the seasonal changes with smart, proactive steps.

From hydrating your body and hair to choosing the right temperature for washing and the correct headwear for sleeping, each guideline plays a pivotal role in preserving your hair’s illustrious, luscious natural beauty.

Remember, the key to thriving through the winter months is to minimise exposure to extreme conditions, both natural and artificial. This means less heat styling, more gentle brushing, and protecting your hair from the cold and friction.

By following these principles, you’re not just protecting your hair; you’re also investing in your overall well-being and confidence. Your hair is your crown, and with the right care, it can remain lustrous and strong all year round.

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