Coffee Break Reads

7 Effective Ways To Increase Your eCommerce Sales

The eCommerce industry is one of the fastest-growing in the world. In 2024, it's predicted. In 2024, retail e-commerce sales are estimated to exceed 6.3 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide, and this number is only expected to grow as time...

How Long Do Cluster Lashes Last?

Did you know that in the 19th Century, women in Paris used to sew hairs onto their eyelids? They would first rub it with cocaine and then run a fine needle threaded with hair through the edge...

The Resurgence Of The Signet Ring: From Historical Symbol To Day Modern Must-Have

The signet ring, once a powerful emblem of authority and identity, has made a remarkable comeback in the world of contemporary fashion.  For such a small piece of jewellery, it’s always made quite the statement. Long associated with...

Finding A Job That Speaks To You: Counselling & Therapy As A Career Choice

Ideal for a compassionate, caring career... Trying to find a rewarding career in 2024 can sometimes feel like an insurmountable task. Though they say that we go through three careers in our lifetime, the changing landscape of modern...

You Can Still Get Sunburn Through A Window: Sun Skincare Myths Discussed

As the summer months roll in, so do the long, sunny days that beckon us outdoors. Whether you're heading to the beach, enjoying a picnic in the park, or simply spending time in your garden, protecting your...


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