
11 Ideal Gym Kit Essentials To Help Achieve Your Goals

The gym can be a holy respite for some, and a dreaded location for others. Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, if you are still attending, through ecstatic grunts or gritted teeth, it...

How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep Whilst Managing Allergies

Have your heard about the pollen bomb? If you're a hay-fever sufferer like us, you've probably already been having a pretty tough time, unfortunately, things are about to get a lot worse. From itchy eyes and a runny...

You Can Still Get Sunburn Through A Window: Sun Skincare Myths Discussed

As the summer months roll in, so do the long, sunny days that beckon us outdoors. Whether you're heading to the beach, enjoying a picnic in the park, or simply spending time in your garden, protecting your...

Why Probiotics Could Be An Important Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Ideal for nurturing the second mind... In recent years, scientific understanding of the power of probiotics has increased. A broad range of research has been carried out regarding the health benefits of probiotic foods and supplements, particularly in...

If It’s Not Safe To Use Cotton Buds, Just How Should I Clean My Ears?

For many of us, the morning routine includes a quick swipe of a cotton bud in the ears. It's a habit ingrained from childhood, a seemingly harmless act of hygiene. However, recent advice from health professionals suggests...

What Is The Difference Between A Therapist & A Life Coach?

Perhaps you're at a fork in the road in your career and you're wondering which path to pursue next? Or, maybe you're looking to rekindle your relationship with your partner after a period of turbulence and turmoil? When...

From Kodo Incense To The Smells Of Sento: The Many Relaxing Aromas Of Japan

Fragrance holds a profound place in Japanese culture, serving as a bridge to achieving a Zen state of mind. Rooted deeply in Zen Buddhism, both in its Indian origins, Chinese formalisation and Japanese interpretations, the use of...


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