Coffee Break Reads

9 Practical Summer Staples Ideal For Pulling Your Outfit Together

Fashion trends come and go like the wind, and with the summer's socialising largely taking place outdoors, some of our fashion choices have quite literally gone with the wind, too.  Indeed, as any Brit will know, predicting the...

7 Key Car Maintenance Checks For New Drivers

As the Greek proverb so wisely intones, ‘’a wheel that turns gathers no rust’’. But if you’re new to the open road and have only recently passed your test, then those wheels won’t have been turning for...

Encouraging Fertility: 12 Foods That Could Help

When it comes to fertility, many factors come into play, from genetics to lifestyle choices. While no food can guarantee fertility, incorporating these nutrient-rich options into your diet could potentially support your reproductive health.  Whether you're planning for...

Tidy Home, Happy Life: The Transformative Power Of A Having Clean Home

Ideal for giving you the much-needed motivation to pick up that feather duster... Maintaining a clean home is not just about aesthetics; it has a profound impact on our mental well-being, focus, motivation, happiness, productivity, and sleep quality,...

The Ultimate Guide To Comfortable Workout Clothing For Women

When it comes to working out, comfort is paramount. But for women, finding workout clothing that combines comfort with functionality and style can be a challenge. Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just starting your fitness journey,...

7 Must-Have Accessories For The Luxury, Eco-Conscious Traveller

Sure, there are those who preach that they 'collect memories, not things'. There are others who extol the virtues of only carrying the clothes on their back when on the road. But as any truly seasoned traveller...


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