Lifesyle Tips

Smart Homes In 2024: How Robots Can Help You Around The House

The idea of computers and robots helping around the home may sound like something from science fiction. But with homeowners already employing AI and ‘smart’ technology to optimise the running of the house, the idea...

Buying The Right Jewellery: 8 Trends To Look Out For In 2025

Wondering what this year’s jewellery trends might be and how to wear them? Fashion is a fickle beast, and as always, new styles have emerged and new rules apply this year that may well render everything you...

5 Ways To Add Personality & Your Own Sense Of Style To Your Rental Home

Ideal for those who know that identikit is out and individuality is in... Didn’t you get the memo? Identkit is out, outstanding is in. Ditch the IKEA flat pack (responsibly), recycle those stacked Gü pots and embrace you in interior design form....

Do You Suffer From Poor Concentration? Still With Us? Here Are 7 Potential Solutions

We’re all guilty of it. Whether it’s when you’re firing off emails on autopilot, playing with the kids without the requisite enthusiasm, or listening to the finer details of your partner’s latest dispute and only umming and...

7 Essential Tips On Building The Ideal Minimalist Wardrobe

It’s nearly the New Year and people across the UK will be making countless resolutions, some that will be kept and some which will no doubt fall by the wayside. This year, one resolution we’re truly determined...

Smile Like You Meant It: Try These 5 Ways To Learn To Love Your Smile More

It’s no wonder that smiling is such a popular subject in the world of poetry and song. Think about it; ‘’When You’re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles with You)’’, ‘’Make Me Smile (Come Up & See Me)’’,...


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