
What Is A Sound Bath & Do They Actually Work?

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding tranquillity can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But what if that needle was being lowered onto a gently rotating record, and one which...

Wellness Wearables: 8 Top Trends To Look Out For In 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, wearables have become a staple for those keen to take a proactive stance on their wellbeing. As we step into the second season of 2024 and energy levels rise...

7 Smart Ways To Make Your Sleep Deeper & More Restful

Don’t you just love that glorious moment, where head meets pillow, dreams supersede reality and a night of replenishment beckons…*sound of record scratching* Woah, woah, woah….sorry to snap you out of it there, but things, quite bluntly, are...

5 Ideal Tips For Living Mindfully & In The Moment

How times have changed. In our teens ‘living in the moment’ meant an excuse to sack off our homework and play another computer game. In our twenties, the reason for that third, fourth and fifth pint on...

7 Ways To Deal With Signs Of Ageing Around The Eyes

If you’ve looked in the mirror recently and found yourself dealing with crow’s feet and fine lines around the eye, then first things first - stop worrying. It will only make things worse.Cause for attention is...

Why Probiotics Could Be An Important Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Ideal for nurturing the second mind...In recent years, scientific understanding of the power of probiotics has increased. A broad range of research has been carried out regarding the health benefits of probiotic foods and supplements, particularly in...


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