Everything you Need to Know About FODMAP

FODMAP refers to a chain of carbohydrates that do not get absorbed in the small intestine. This acronym stands for Fermentable oligo, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols. FODMAP sensitivity is common in people with IBD or IBS, and these foods exacerbate symptoms.

FODMAPS are responsible for popular digestive issues like gas and bloating, and research has shown that restricting meals rich in FODMAP will improve these symptoms dramatically.  Below we discuss everything you need to know about FODMAPS. 

Main FODMAP Groups 

FODMAPS are classified into the following groups;

  • Oligosaccharides

Carbohydrates in this group include galacto-oligosaccharides and fructans. Critical dietary sources include; pulses, wheat, and rye. 

  • Polyols

Carbohydrates in this category include xylitol and mannitol, and the crucial dietary sources include vegetables and various fruits. 

  • Disaccharides

Lactose is the leading FODMAP in this category, and the crucial dietary sources include honey, various fruits, and various fruit. 

  • Monosaccharides

Fructose is the leading FODMAP in this category, and the crucial dietary sources are agave nectar and honey. 

How FODMAPS Cause Gut Issues

FODMAPs cause gut symptoms in the following ways;

Taking Fluid into the Intestine

FODMAPs are short sugar chains because they are osmotically active. This suggests they draw water from the body tissues into the intestines, causing symptoms like diarrhea or bloating in sensitive people.

Bacterial Fermentation

After eating carbs, they should be broken down into sugars by enzymes before reabsorption. However, humans can’t produce certain enzymes that break FODMAPs down, making undigested FODMAPs travel through the small intestine to the colon. 

A study has shown that the FODMAP inulin produces over 60% gas in the large intestine, and these processes happen when you eat these foods. 

Who Should Reduce their FODMAP Diet?

You can only achieve a low-FODMAP diet by avoiding meals rich in these carbs. Research has stated that having this diet will improve the following things;

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Life quality. 

It is possible to meet your nutritional requirements by following a low-FODMAP diet, but you will be at risk of dietary deficiencies. It is advisable to watch your calcium and fiber intake while under a low-FODMAP diet. 


Dairy goods are an excellent calcium source, but most dairy foods have a restricted low-FODMAP diet. This explains why your calcium intake decreases when you follow this diet. The excellent calcium sources include rice milk, aged cheese, and yogurts. 


Most fiber-rich foods also have high FODMAP levels, and people lower fiber intake when on this diet. By replacing this diet with high-fiber foods like vegetables and fruits, you can avoid this. Low sources of FODMAP include raspberries, strawberries, and carrots. 

When to Visit a Doctor

Digestive symptoms happen with many conditions. Some are harmless, while others are deadly, like colon cancer and celiac disease. It is advisable to rule out other diseases before you start this diet. 

The common symptoms of the severe disease are;

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Anemia.

Final Thoughts 

FODMAPs are short carb chains that move via the intestines undigested. Most foods containing FODMAPs are considered healthy, and the above article has discussed all about them. 

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