It’s one of the questions burning brightest as UK restrictions are lifted and the nation’s mood rises in tandem; just when will we return to the workplace? Will we ever go back to what was previously considered ‘normal’? 

For some Brits, the answer is ‘’the sooner, the better’’, with many surprised at just how much they miss workplace banter, dressing smartly or in uniform, and even the commute. For others, the idea of actually longing to return to a central workplace has all the absurdity of that Dettol advert which did the rounds last Summer.

Should you be in the position of owning or managing a business and want to ensure that your staff fall into the former camp, then there are several mechanisms you can put in place to ensure your workplace is safe and secure for their return. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to help your employees feel safe when returning to work.


At the time of writing this article, Government guidelines advise that you should stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household or support bubble where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing a facemask coverings) if you can’t stay 2 metres apart. 

There are ways to ensure that the fabled two metres is properly maintained beyond simply drawing a rough estimate on the floor. Ideally, and if the nature of your work accommodates it, staggering start and finish times for your employees will prevent overcrowding in the workplace and help staff maintain their distance. 

The government also recommend that ‘’Where social distancing of 2 metres cannot be implemented consider whether further mitigation measures such as redesigning the task or adding physical barriers can be considered.’’

Alexandra Workwear Stay Safe T-Shirt

Should your work concern contact with the public, particularly in hospitality or retail, then it’s a good idea to provide your staff with wearable items which offer a gentle reminder to punters to keep their distance. We can all be a little forgetful of the necessity of these distances, after all. These Stay Safe T-shirts from Alexandra Workwear are a great option in those industries where regular contact with the public is likely, providing that humanising touch to the sanitisation of once familiar spaces and interactions. 

Where customer service is a particular focus, Alexandra also provide transparent face coverings, where the mouth is visible, for those awkward times when you realise just how hard it can be to follow a conversation when the bottom half of their face is obscured! 

Moreover, 1 in 5 rely on lip reading and the wearing of masks has, of course, impacted on this; transparent facemasks help people who have hearing problems and rely on lip reading to communicate.  

You should also make your staff aware that they are allowed to temporarily remove masks to converse with those who lip read at a safe distance. Helping your staff understand the nuances of social distancing rules can help them feel more confident about returning to work, since new legislation can be complex for an individual to understand. Organising training sessions regarding new legislations, guidelines, and COVID safe best practice, then, is a must for all employers.

Alexandra Workwear MK60 -Transparent Face Covering – Pack 10


The Government’s website has published 14 guides to ensure that workplaces are ‘COVID Secure’. There are also separate guides for food businesses, schools, childcare providers, events such as civil partnerships and wedding ceremonies, and public transport operators. 

The guides offer practical considerations on keeping workplaces secure and provide guidance on everything from increasing the frequency of cleaning rotas and providing sanitation facilities, all the way to using signs and posters to build awareness of good handwashing techniques. Do check them out.


As mentioned above, part of making your employees feel safe at work is by providing the right equipment for them to carry out their work safely. PPE, however that looks for your particular industry, should be provided by the employer, with training on how best to use it, as a matter of priority on the company’s first day back proper. 

More generically, face masks and hand sanitation stations are going to be essential additions to your office or workplace, whichever line of work you’re in. We previously mentioned Stay Safe T-shirts and transparent facemasks, and we’re also fans of Alexandra’s Stay Safe – Life After Lockdown kit bags, which offer hand sanitisers, face masks, and upholstery and garment disinfectants. 

Providing your staff with a bag on their first day back is a conscious move which will both reassure your team and help them perform their work in a safe, secure way.

Alexandra Workwear Life After Lockdown Kit Bags


It’s vital that you, as a responsible employer, make sure your team are reassured that your office door is always open, and that an open dialogue about COVID concerns is encouraged. Many staff will be feeling a sense of trepidation about returning to work, and owners and managers need to be accommodating and understanding about just how tough adapting to new working practices can be. 

Allow your staff to take things slowly, ideally allowing for an increase in flexi-time, reduced hours or a combination of home and on-site working, so everyone can adapt in a holistic, healthy way. 

It’s important during this process to make sure employees know that they won’t be judged should they be feeling stressed or anxious, and that your confidentiality is guaranteed. 


A survey of over 1,000 British workers by the Institute of Leadership & Management revealed that flexible working can be an important way to reduce stress and increase general well being among the British workforce. 

Not only can this benefit your staff, but it may also help you, as an employer, adapt to new working practices and safety measures, too. Doing so will also help you to stagger shifts, reduce overlap in the arrival and leaving of your premises, and help facilitate social distancing. Check out these tips on ways you can encourage a productive flexible working environment for more.


Employers need to take every possible precaution to facilitate helping their employees feel secure, and this isn’t only about giving them the tools to stay physically safe – such as sanitiser, face masks, and clothing – but also about prioritising your staff’s wellbeing.

In a post-pandemic world – however that may look – it’s essential that you cultivate a workplace atmosphere where wellbeing and positive mental health practices are placed at the forefront of everything you do.

To make your employees feel safe about returning to work, responsible employers will have new systems in place to encourage this focus on mental health. Guided meditation sessions, gym memberships, regular mental health awareness days, and a mentors and confidants system within the organisation are all great ways of nourishing a harmonious, healthy workplace.

It’s interesting to note that for the past several years, a whole host of the world’s leading companies have increasingly been facilitating mindfulness in the workplace as an essential tool in raising staff morale. In fact, Google even has a Head Of Mindfulness, who cites the practice as akin to a ‘fitbit for the mind’, opening the door to ‘’loving kindness which is at the heart of business success’’, as the Guardian reported back in 2014

At such a confusing time, when gaining perspective and seeking clarity is so important, providing the tools for staff to adopt mindful practices could be of real benefit. It might be a good idea to offer staff membership to some of the best mindfulness and meditation apps out there, or host regular meditation sessions (on company time, of course) for those who are interested. 

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