How To Design The Ideal Gaming Room

Despite common misconceptions, creating a professional-level gaming setup really doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. That’s fortunate, since you need that arm to hold your console’s controller. 

Yet still, so many keen gamers are labouring under the assumption that the dream set up is just that, a dream. Rest assured, even on a modest budget, you can get this thing done; here’s how to design the IDEAL gaming room.

HD Monitor

Your monitor is one of the most important parts of any gaming setup because there is no point having a computer with top processing and gaming specs if you are playing it on a fuzzy screen. 

Modern video games have incredible graphics, and in order to truly enjoy the experience to its full potential, an HD monitor is absolutely key. If you already have an HD TV in your home then you can link your computer up to that, but if not, invest in a quality monitor and it will really lift the whole gaming experience to another level.

Have Good Lighting 

Lighting may not be the most glamorous aspect of creating the perfect game cave, but it’s an essential component which deserves the necessary attention. Sometimes, it has to be said, this aspect can be easily overlooked when considering the equipment you need and the room layout, for example. 

The truth is that if you get your lighting right, you can enjoy more comfortable game time, and even in rooms with no established overhead lighting, you can still get your gaming room illumination just right. 

You should start with ambient lighting. This should be low-level lighting, and it needs to be consistent throughout the room. One of the best ways to ensure this happens is to use dimmable bulbs. In this way, you can adjust the lighting accordingly, no matter what the weather is like outside or if it’s day or night. 

Place an accent light on the wall across from the TV, and consider adding some task lighting to areas around the mini-fridge, as well as seats to make it easier for guests to get around without disturbing gameplay by turning on the overhead light.

You could also consider novelty lights that point at your monitor. Not only are these a lot of fun and will give your room a unique and personal touch, but they can also be practical and will help you play more comfortably. 

Choose The Right Furniture 

If you are going to keep yourself comfortable and healthy while you are gaming, you need to have the right furniture to help you. This is especially true if you intend to play for hours at a time, but even playing for a short while on a poorly designed chair can cause you back and neck problems, for example. 

You’ll need an ergonomic chair that has been designed specifically for gaming. These are generally more expensive than a standard chair, but they will keep you supported and allow you to play for longer (and you won’t feel any pain, either). The best ergonomic gaming chairs are specially designed to support your back and neck and come with adjustable heights so that you will always be at the right height and angle to your screen to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and eye strain

You also need a desk, which must be at the right height so you can sit upright and not slouch or have to reach up too far, controller in hand. 

The desk should have plenty of storage, too – you’ll need somewhere to keep your headphones, extra controllers, and your games. In that way, you can keep your gaming room tidy and focus on the game itself rather than the mess around you. 

A Dedicated Router

Love online games? Don’t we all? Tired of the rhetorical questions? Yeah, us too. 

But if you answered in the affirmative to the first question, then it’s best to install a dedicated wireless router used only for game playing online. This will avoid issues with slow load times when other residents are using the household network, giving competitive gamers an edge and preventing unnecessary interruptions. 

Create A Great Audio Setup

The best gaming setups are totally immersive and allow you to completely lose yourself in your game. And we all need a little escapism at the moment, right? Modern video games are designed to hit all of your senses as long as you have the right gear, and as well as an HD monitor, your audio equipment is key to creating the ultimate gaming setup. 

Invest in a top of the line sub and speakers, or if noise is a factor in your home, buy a great pair of gaming headphones. The noise of the Fifa crowd, or of bullets whizzing by as you complete a mission on Call of Duty, can really make the difference between a decent gaming setup and a great one.

Install Soundproofing Materials 

Now you’ve got your sound system on point, don’t forget to invest in soundproofing, too. 

If you live with other people or have close neighbours, soundproofing your gaming room is the polite thing to do. It will ensure you can play your games without constant interruption from irate housemates and irritating people living next door or around you in a flat.

You can invest in soundproofing material and have it installed by an expert, install the same material yourself, or make DIY soundproofing from cork, fabric, rubber, or even egg boxes. You’ll need to decide what will give you the best result, but it really should be done.  

The Bottom Line

Taking your gaming room to the next level needn’t involve huge investment and effort. Instead, with a can-do spirit and a little knowhow, you can enjoy a modern, comfortable gaming space without breaking the bank. 

Now, where did I put my controller?

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