Winter is coming, and with it, those three words will be used to start every seasonal based article from now on…
Sadly, when winter comes, so do issues with our skin; the cold weather means that our skin needs more love and attention compared to the previous seasons. Those who are conscientious about their skincare routines will have already switched up their products and procedures, changing up their cosmetics to accommodate seasonal shifts in temperature, humidity and the rest.
However, for those that only have a small selection of products, it might be challenging to know what to include in your skincare routine for winter. Knowing what products to use is one thing, but understanding how to use them and how often is quite another.
To help combat dry skin this winter, look at implementing some of these tips to keep your skin healthy and happy as the seasons change; here’s how to keep your skin in good condition during the winter months.
It’s sensible to bench the harsher skincare products during the winter. Be cautious when using toners with alcohol; they strip the skin of natural lipids and proteins that moisturise our skin, which we need much more of during winter, when indoor heating dries out our skin excessively.
Daily use of exfoliating cleansers runs the risk of doing a similar thing. If you exfoliate too often in winter, your skin will become dry and irritated, with its natural protective layer stripped off. And this can become a vicious circle, so during the colder months, switch up to a gentle milk based cleanser – our favourite is Dr. Hauschka’s Soothing Cleansing Milk. Just lovely.
Read: 6 winter skincare mistakes you could be making
As the weather becomes increasingly cold, you may notice that your skin is struggling with the changing temperature. It can begin to look drier, duller, flakier and at times, even a little irritated.
Using the wrong soap can worsen dry and irritated skin. Most regular soaps contain irritating ingredients and fragrances, which will only aggravate and inflame the skin. Look into using fragrance-free cleansers or gels to wash your face both morning and night. You might want to use a richer cleanser, too, as it can help gently cleanse the skin, whilst locking in the much-needed moisture.

We’re constantly exposed to pollutants and dust that linger in the air, both of which can have damaging effects on the skin. The more time we spend outdoors, the more our skin is impacted by these pollutants, and during winter, as party season kicks into gear, we spend a surprising amount of time outdoors. To ensure that it remains hydrated and feeling smooth, moisturising should play a key role in your daily skincare routine, both morning and night.
During these colder months, switch your usual lighter moisturiser for richer, heavier moisturiser. Using a heavier product can help deeply nourish your skin and strengthen your skin’s barrier.
Summer has well and truly left the building, but despite the weather taking a cold turn recently, it is still crucial to have sunscreen included in our daily skincare routine. Every day we are still being exposed to the sun’s harmful rays, so it is important to protect our skin from getting damaged.
When creating your winter skincare routine, ensure that you have included sunscreen. Try and use a minimum of SPF15 for the sunscreen to be effective and protect you from the sun’s rays.
It is not just our face that’s exposed to the harsh elements; our hands and lips are also affected. Our hands and lips can become dry and sometimes crack due to the colder weather, which can be painful and affect our self-confidence.
Whenever you leave the house, carry with you a creamy lip balm and hand moisturiser, which will help you to keep your hands and lips feeling nourished as you go about your day.

Updating your skincare routine following the changing weather is one way to take care of your skin this winter. Another is by implementing changes to your daily lifestyle.
It could be something simple like changing the material of the clothes you wear or something more all encompassing, like making amendments to your diet. Any of these small changes could help you with improving and maintaining healthy-looking skin this winter:
Turn Down The Temperature – Turning the heating up and taking long baths during the bitterly cold winter months feels pretty blissful, right? However, a hot bath and a hotter house is a quick way to dry out the skin.
The dry air from the heating, either in the car or your house, can remove the moisture from your skin. Using piping hot water for your bath or shower can also damage the surface of your skin, preventing skin cells from retaining moisture.
If you suffer from particularly dry skin, aim to keep the thermostat between 18-20°C and use lukewarm water when having a bath and try to avoid staying in it for too long. If you notice that your skin is turning red in the water, the temperature of the water is too hot.
Keep Hydrated With Water – Helping to keep your skin looking healthy and hydrated isn’t only about moisturising externally; it also includes drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet. Being dehydrated due to a lack of water can cause the skin to look flaky and dry, and can also reduce skin health.
As such, ensure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Similarly, try avoiding consuming too many sugary and alcoholic beverages. These types of drinks can dehydrate and aggravate the skin, and can cause breakouts to occur.
Quit Smoking – Smoking decreases red blood cells. It can affect the texture of the skin. Heavy smokers often have sallow, pale skin and sometimes uneven pigmentation.
However, if you quit smoking, it can sometimes take about a month until your red blood cell count starts to increase. When you quit smoking, you may begin to notice an improvement in your skin’s appearance.
Implementing any of these changes into your skincare routine and lifestyle could make a difference. You may notice that your lips have not cracked, your skin feels nourished and that you have had minimal breakouts.
With a little extra TLC, you can help to ensure that you have soft, smooth and radiant skin, which glows throughout winter.