How To Sleep Soundly Through The Seasonal Clock Changes

With the autumn clock changes fast approaching, now is the ideal time to consider ways to safeguard your sleep pattern. 

This month Brits can look forward to an extra hour in bed as we wind our clocks back for Daylight Savings Time on October 30th

However, while that extra time in bed will be welcomed by many, for some it could have an unforeseen impact on their sleeping patterns in the weeks following, as the change in time disturbs our internal body clocks

Indeed, although the clocks change by just an hour, an altered sleep schedule can make you feel more tired throughout the day while also impacting the quality of the sleep you do get. Yep, the clocks changing, paired with the addition of darker nights, can easily put you out of sync.

Sleep expert at Hannah Shore, Sleep Knowledge & Researcher Manager Silentnight, explains that “our sleeping patterns are controlled by our circadian rhythm, which intuitively tells our brains and our bodies when it’s time to wake up and go to sleep”.

She adds “Other external factors, such as the amount of natural light or darkness we are exposed to, can also influence our sleep, which is why events such as clocks going back, can impact our sleeping routines”.

People may notice they feel sluggish, fatigued, or agitated for a couple of weeks following the change in time and may find it more difficult to drift off at night or wake up in the morning.

This feeling is often likened to jetlag, which also happens when external factors are out of sync with our circadian rhythms. However, while this may sound tiresome, the good news is there are things we can do to fix this and re-set out internal systems, so we can enjoy a good night’s sleep once more.

There are ways to help your body prepare and adjust to the changes. With the help of some top sleep experts, here’s how to sleep more soundly through the seasonal clock changes.

Earlier Nights: Prepare For A Better Sleep

Sally Bonser, spokesperson at Snug tells us that “it is always a good idea to be prepared for when the clocks go back, this way your body is ready for the night-time changes”.

So how can you prepare your body? “At least a week before [the clocks go back] try to go to sleep about half an hour later than you normally would, then your body will get used to sleeping a little later than normal. Each day you can extend the time backwards bit-by-bit until you reach the full hour”, Sally suggests.

Hannah from Silentnight adds; “as an adult with responsibilities, social lives, and errands to run, it’s hard to fit an early bedtime into your evening routine. It doesn’t need to be an immediate change over one night – going to bed at 9pm instead of 10pm – but try to adjust your bedtime by 10 to 15 minutes each night. This will slowly allow you adjust to the new time and help to reduce you feeling sluggish after the clocks fall back”.

Natural Light

Morning light is the key to waking up according to Hannah. Winter mornings are typically dark, so she advices to switch on a lamp on as you wake up and to venture outside and soak up the vitamin D throughout the day; especially when the sun rises.

“Natural light (even when it’s cloudy!) is brighter than the light in your house and can help suppress sleep hormones. Dawn simulating alarm clocks are a fantastic way to wake up gently, and with natural light so you’re ready to face the day” she adds.

Similarly, natural evening light is at a low level when the clocks go back. So, she suggests minimising your light exposure in the evening and opting for lamps or candles instead of “the big light”. Also, to avoid technology at least two hours prior to your bedtime. If you must use it, please ensure you have ‘sleep mode’ activated – swapping the harsh blue light for a warm yellow light on your phones display.

Read: How to feel more energised in the morning

Get Cosy For A Better Night’s Sleep

Using the wrong type of bedding can result in your body temperature making it uncomfortable to sleep, especially if your duvet is too thin during winter.

Sally suggests that “To ensure you are sleeping snug at the right temperature, invest in a duvet that can be switched over for the colder seasons. The Snug Snuggle Up 13.5 Tog Duvet is ideal for chilly nights as it is filled with lots of squishy fibres to keep you warm and cosy. Combine with the Snug Snuggle Up Pillows, which are generously filled with the same super soft fibres, for the ultimate cosy night’s sleep”.

Introduce A Night Time Routine 

If sleep is something you generally struggle with, then introducing a routine that is suited to you is the best option. The most important factor of a routine is giving your body prompts that it is time to wind down.

Sally suggests that this “could be lighting a candle, spraying a sleep mist, or dimming the lights”. She adds that “using technology in the evenings will also affect your sleep so try not to use your phone or watch TV at least an hour before you get into bed. Instead, try relaxing activities such as reading or taking a bath”.

Read: 5 IDEAL steps to the perfect bedtime routine

Don’t Overthink It

Hannah tells us that “this one is hard and is easier said than done. Try not to over think sleeping. The more we think about sleep, the less we end up having. If you lie there in bed struggling to fall asleep, you will become agitated, so change your environment and distract yourself”.

She recommends getting up, going to the sofa or to another bed in your home, reading a book or listening to a podcast until you fall asleep. And with that, we’re off to heed her advice! Good night.

Hang on, it’s the middle of the day…

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