Christmas is over, January is dragging its cold, miserable feet, and you’ve most likely got nothing of note on the calendar for quite some time. Deadlines need to be met, overtime endured and colleagues tolerated. Oh lord, give me some light at the end of this torrid tunnel.

Well, you’re in luck. What if we told you that you could double the amount of holiday you get, just by strategically booking your annual leave? Well, we’re about to. So first read on, and then get those holiday request forms in early. With the help from the guys at Gear Hungry, here’s the IDEAL guide to making the most of your annual leave in 2019.


Date of your holiday: 13th April -28th April

If you’re going to get tactical with your downtime, then your April holiday will be the longest. As there are two bank holidays over this period (the 19th and 22nd) and three weekends, you can double your holiday over the Easter period with a 16-day break with only 8 days taken out of your holiday allowance.

EARLY MAY (2019)

Date of your holiday: 4th -12th May

You won’t have to worry about settling back into work after your April holiday, as potentially you’ll be off in early May, too. With help from the bank holiday on the 6th and two weekends, you’ll be enjoying a lovely 9 day holiday with only 4 days taken from your allowance.

LATE MAY 2019 

Date of your holiday: 28th – 31st May

Keep your newfound holiday streak going strong with another 9-day break. Once again, only 4 days will be taken out of your allowance. May has yet another bank holiday on the 27th May, so utilise this with another two weekends and you’ll be feeling smug when reflecting on your easiest working month to date. Your bank balance might be grimacing rather than wearing a smirk though, so keep on top of your budget before this orgy of holidays.

AUGUST 2019 

Date of your holiday: 24th August -1st September

As it’s been a whole three months since your last excursion, it would be rude not to book another, right? RIGHT. And another 9-day break using just 4 days of allowance (thanks to a bank holiday sitting on 26th August) will be just the ticket after those three months without a break. The month of August is prime time for a summer break, so why not put those sunglasses on and chase the sun? However, if your work are getting a bit funny about all these holidays you’re booking we’d suggest sacrificing this one as holiday prices in August can cost a pretty penny.


Date of your holiday: 21st December – 1st January

Christmas is a time for family and friends, so why not make the most of it? Give yourself a 12-day winter break and only use 5 days of your holiday allowance in doing so. You’ll have time to recover from all the festivities and start planning for next year’s holidays too.


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