Our lovely friends at MyJobMatcher.com, talks us through the do’s and don’ts of wowing at that all-important job interview

Adrenaline is a powerful drug and, on the day of a job interview, your body will be flooded with it. Much will depend on how you handle the nerves and perfect preparation will help prevent you from flapping about like a bat in a blind panic.

When under pressure, even the most mundane, routine decisions can become stressful. So if you really want to do yourself justice, here are Jim Harvey’s top 10 tips:


Get to know the company website inside and out and do some revision. Become completely fluent with who they are, what they do and what their message is. It will help you identify some pertinent questions of your own to ask on the day.


Decide whether you’ll take public transport or drive. Then allow plenty of time for unforeseen circumstances; like engineering works, traffic jams and parking. Rehearsing the route can be useful, but only if you do it at a comparable time, on the same day of the week. Know what time you need to leave the house by and subtract five minutes.


Find out who the interviewer is. Nothing is more likely to wind an interviewer up than a candidate who gets their name wrong.


Learn the job spec by heart. It will direct your research, help you compose questions of your own and boost your confidence. And whilst you’re at it, re-familiarise yourself with your cover letter.


It is always worth revisiting why you applied in order to define your goals. This will be the crux of how you pitch yourself during the interview. If your goals match theirs, they’ll be looking for reasons not to hire rather than reasons to hire.


That suit might have been hung neatly in the wardrobe for months, but is it a) clean and b) does it still fit? Make sure your entire ensemble is washed and ironed the day before and polish your shoes – something that often gets overlooked by everyone except the interviewer. Decide in advance what you want to do with your hair and/or make up.


If you’ve been asked to bring certain documents, make sure they’re ready ASAP. Put them in an A4 envelope, clutching paper with moist hands is never a good idea – trust me! DON’T forget to take them with you (I’ve made that mistake too!)


Remember to take two working pens for taking notes. If you only take one I guarantee it’ll decide not to work. And a notepad.


If you don’t get asked ‘Why did you apply for the job?’ I’ll be highly surprised. So don’t fumble for an answer to a question you had weeks to prepare for.


Relax. If you have prepared properly you’ll have less to worry about and your answers are more likely to flow. And that will leave you in a much better position than the candidate who is 15 minutes late because they got lost.

To access thousands of live jobs that are waiting for you right now visit www.myjobmatcher.com

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