What Your Coffee Of Choice Says About You…

A new nationwide study of coffee drinkers by De’Longhi has revealed that your chosen drink may say more about you than you might have previously thought.

Ever wondered why that friend who drinks black coffee is always so serious? Or why your latte-loving colleague is always buried in a book? Well, it turns out your coffee order might just be spilling the beans on your personality.

The coffee experts at De’Longhi found that those whose go-to drink was a double espresso were the most likely to describe themselves as well travelled, good in bed and sophisticated. So, if you’re sipping on a double espresso right now, congratulations! You’re basically James Bond with a coffee cup.

They also found that those who enjoyed a flavoured coffee, such as a hazelnut or caramel latte, were by far the most likely to describe themselves as funny and people pleasers. So, if you’re the one always cracking jokes at the office, it might be time to thank your caramel latte for that comedic edge.

Mocha drinkers emerged as having the most sex appeal, while cappuccino fans are – apparently – the most likely to be well read. Yep, if you’re looking for a date who’s both hot and literate, you might want to start hanging out at the mocha and cappuccino section of your local café.

The most health and environmentally conscious Brits, perhaps unsurprisingly, drink a dairy free choice like an oat milk latte while the self-styled “life and soul of the party” is the most inclined to favour a cold brew. Other characters to appear from the survey were straight-talking filter coffee drinkers (served black, naturally), romantic iced coffee fans, optimistic black Americano drinkers, popular cortado fans, and quiet macchiato lovers.

There’s more… 84 percent think they make a good cup of coffee, which is lucky as two thirds (64 percent) believe being a good home barista is an attractive quality in a person. So, if you’re single and ready to mingle, it might be time to brush up on your latte art skills. In fact, 37 percent think it is such an important quality that they have, or would be prepared to, end a relationship if someone was making a bad brew.

So, if your partner’s coffee-making skills are subpar, it might be time to have a serious talk. That, or read our article on 6 tips for making your coffee taste great at home. Anyway, let’s get to the nitty gritty…

What Your Coffee Of Choice Says About You


Most likely to have a degree and to be a bookworm. Latte drinkers often enjoy the comfort of routine and the warmth of familiarity. They are usually seen as approachable and friendly, making them great companions for a chat over coffee. Plus, they probably have a secret stash of bookmarks and can quote Jane Austen at the drop of a hat.


Most likely to be well-read. Cappuccino lovers often have a refined taste and appreciate the finer things in life. They are likely to enjoy a good book and a cozy café atmosphere, making them the intellectuals of the coffee world. Just don’t be surprised if they start a conversation with, “Have you read the latest bestseller?”

Flat White

Most likely to be a culture vulture. Flat white drinkers are often seen as trendy and in-the-know about the latest cultural happenings. They appreciate art, music, and good conversation, making them the go-to friends for a night out at a gallery or concert. They’re the ones who can tell you the difference between modernism and postmodernism without breaking a sweat.

Double Espresso

Most likely to be well-travelled, sophisticated and a good lover. Double espresso drinkers are often seen as confident and decisive, with a taste for adventure. They are likely to have interesting stories from their travels and a keen sense of style. If you need travel tips or a lesson in sophistication, just ask your double espresso friend – they’ve got you covered.

Iced Coffee

Most likely to be romantic and enjoy simple pleasures. Iced coffee fans often have a laid-back and easygoing personality. They appreciate the little things in life and are often seen as thoughtful and considerate partners. They’re the ones who will surprise you with a picnic in the park or a handwritten love note.


Most likely to be fiery and have sex appeal. Mocha drinkers are often seen as passionate and full of energy. They have a zest for life and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, making them the life of any party. If you’re looking for someone who can dance all night and still have energy for brunch the next day, find a mocha lover.

White Americano

Most likely to be green fingered. White americano drinkers are often practical and down-to-earth. They enjoy spending time in nature and have a knack for gardening, making them the perfect friends for a weekend hike or a day in the garden. They’re the ones who can turn any patch of dirt into a blooming paradise.

Flavoured Coffee

Most likely to be funny and a people pleaser. Those who enjoy flavoured coffee are often seen as the comedians of their social circles. They have a great sense of humor and love to make others laugh, making them the life of any gathering. If you need a good laugh or a pick-me-up, your flavoured coffee friend is just a call away.

Read: 10 of the best coffees for autumn

Black Americano

Most likely to be optimistic. Black americano drinkers are often seen as straightforward and no-nonsense. They have a positive outlook on life and are always ready to tackle challenges head-on, making them reliable and trustworthy friends. They’re the ones who will always find the silver lining, even on the cloudiest days.

Oat Milk Latte

Most likely to be environmentally conscious. Oat milk latte drinkers are often seen as mindful and caring about the planet. They make conscious choices in their daily lives to reduce their environmental impact, making them great advocates for sustainability. They’re the ones who will remind you to bring your reusable bags and turn off the lights when you leave a room.


Most likely to be quiet. Macchiato lovers are often seen as introspective and thoughtful. They enjoy their own company and are often deep thinkers, making them great listeners and loyal friends. They’re the ones who will sit with you in comfortable silence and offer profound insights when you least expect it.

Black Filter Coffee

Most likely to be a straight talker. Black filter coffee drinkers are often seen as honest and direct. They value simplicity and clarity, making them dependable and straightforward in their interactions. If you need the truth, no sugar-coating, just ask your black filter coffee friend – they’ll give it to you straight.

Cold Brew

Most likely to be the life and soul of the party. Cold brew fans are often seen as energetic and fun-loving. They enjoy socializing and are always up for a good time, making them the perfect companions for any event. They’re the ones who will keep the party going and make sure everyone is having a blast.


Most likely to be popular. Cortado drinkers are often seen as charismatic and well-liked. They have a natural charm and are great at making connections, making them the social butterflies of their groups. They’re the ones who know everyone’s name and can always introduce you to someone new and interesting.

The Bottom Line

Believe this research? Well, you’ll be with two thirds of those in the study who think that the type of coffee someone drinks says a lot about their personality, with 38% admitting they have judged someone on what they order. We wonder what kind if coffee the latter people drink…

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