10 Steps To Healthier Nails Today

Nails are often seen as a mere canvas for colour and creativity, but they are, in fact, a telling indicator of our overall health. Brittle, discoloured, or ridged nails can all be signs that something is amiss, either externally or within. 

Simple Ways To Improve Nail Health

Fortunately, achieving healthier nails isn’t a Herculean task. Here are 10 simple steps you can take today to ensure your nails are as healthy as they are beautiful.

Embrace A Nutrient-Rich Diet

Your nails are what you eat. A diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to weak, brittle nails. To combat this, ensure your meals are rich in protein, which nails are primarily made of. Incorporate foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes. Don’t forget about vitamins and minerals; biotin, vitamin E, iron, and zinc are particularly beneficial for nail health. Avocados, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of these nutrients.

Keep Hydrated

Just as it is with our hair, hydration is key to maintaining healthy nail beds and cuticles. When the body is dehydrated, it reflects on your nails as they become dry and prone to breakage. Aim for the recommended 2 litres of water a day to keep your nails and cuticles moisturised from the inside out.

Implement Gentle Nail Care

Treat your nails with the same care as you would the skin on your face. Avoid harsh chemicals in nail polish removers, especially those containing acetone, which can strip nails of their natural oils. Opt for acetone-free removers instead. When filing your nails, do so in one direction to prevent splitting, and choose a fine-grit file to avoid damaging the nail plate.

Moisturise Regularly

Just like your skin, your nails and cuticles need moisturising. Invest in a good quality cuticle oil and hand cream. Apply them generously after washing your hands or whenever your nails feel dry. This not only promotes hydration but also encourages growth and strength.

Don Gloves For Protection

Your nails are not tools to be used for opening cans or scraping off labels. Protect them from damage by wearing gloves when doing household chores, gardening, or any other activity that could cause harm to your nails. This will prevent them from becoming weak or brittle due to exposure to harsh detergents and physical damage.

Give Your Nails A Break

As tempting as it may be to have back-to-back manicures, your nails need time to breathe. Constant application of nail polish, especially gel or acrylic, can lead to thinning of the nail plate. Take regular breaks from polish to allow your nails to restore their natural strength and shine.

Pay Attention To Your Nails’ Health

Lastly, keep an eye on the state of your nails. Changes in colour, texture, or shape can be indicative of underlying health issues. White spots, for instance, can be a sign of zinc deficiency, while spoon-shaped nails may indicate iron-deficiency anaemia. If you notice any significant changes, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional.

Choose ‘Breathable’ Nail Polishes

When selecting a nail polish, consider the health of your nails as much as the colour. Traditional nail polishes can sometimes suffocate the nail, preventing oxygen and moisture from reaching the nail plate. Instead, opt for ‘breathable’ nail polishes. 

These polishes have a unique formula that allows water and oxygen to pass through, much like a contact lens, ensuring that your nails stay hydrated and healthy underneath the coat of colour. They’re particularly beneficial for those who prefer not to take frequent breaks from wearing polish.

Explore Nail Growth Treatments

If you’re aiming for longer nails, growth treatments can be a beneficial addition to your nail care regimen. As the team at Nail HQ Nail Growth tell us, you should prioritise polishes or treatments that are enriched with proteins, keratin, and other nail-strengthening vitamins. 

These can provide the extra boost your nails need to grow stronger and resist breakage. However, be wary of products promising overnight growth; nail enhancement is a gradual process, and the key is to maintain consistent care.

Practice Safe Manicure Procedures

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a salon regular, safe manicure procedures are essential for maintaining nail health. If you’re doing your nails at home, ensure that your tools are sterilised to prevent infection. 

When visiting a salon, don’t be shy to ask about their sterilisation processes. Also, be cautious with cuticle cutting; overzealous trimming can lead to infections and damage to the nail bed. Pushing the cuticles back gently is often a safer option to maintain the integrity of your nails.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating these seven steps into your daily routine can lead to noticeable improvements in the health and appearance of your nails. Remember, the journey to healthier nails is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience and consistent care are your best allies. So, why not start today? Your nails will thank you for it.

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