When was the last time you had fun? We mean real fun. Sometimes life can get a little boring and it can be easy to fall into the trap of sticking to the same, dull routine everyday. If the daily slog is getting you down, it’s time to mix things up. With this in mind, here are 5 IDEAL ways to add excitement to your life. 


If your diary is empty then it’s time to fill the pages with new and exciting social dates. Do you have friends that you haven’t managed to see for a while – perhaps from university or your childhood – that require a little more effort to meet up with, then now’s the time. Not only will this spice up your social life, you may come back from visiting old pals inspired to take up a new hobby or cultural interest. If you have old friends in faraway places, then travelling to visit them could add another element of excitement to the get together.


Speaking of travel, it’s one of the easiest (and quickest) ways to add some stimulation to your life, especially if you have to go solo. Indeed, there are so many pros to travelling alone, unescorted, unburdened and unleashed. Travel will open your eyes and awaken your senses; from discovering different cultures and attitudes to life, to experiencing new cuisines and broadening your perspective of the world. Moreover, travel is grounding and gratifying for your mentality and mindset. So stop making excuses, and get travelling!


A family tree is more than just names, places and dates. Learning about it will give you the opportunity to unearth your family history. You’ll discover more about your ancestors and in the process understand more about who you are and where you’re from.

It’s amazing the information you can uncover these days from looking at newspaper records, the land registry records, old wills and military records. These documents will provide you with a story from the past: what your ancestor did, who they did it with, and the outcome of their actions. If you are really lucky, you could even source the war medals that they received for bravery from a specialist such as Ulric of England to complete the picture. Who knows what exciting stuff you’ll discover about yourself and your family. 


If you’re bored senseless everyday at work and you dread going in every morning, then it may be time to change your job. Your job takes up huge amounts of your time and energy, therefore it should be something that you enjoy doing, giving you a sense of pride and fulfillment. Yeah, we know your secure in you’re job and you have to pay the bills – but if you don’t like where you work, what’s the point? Changing your job could be that exciting change you need.


If travel and changing your job isn’t enough for you, why not get a new job abroad? Many people flirt with the idea of spending a part of their lives living in a different country, only to dismiss the notion as absurd and unworkable with any attempt to put it into practice. However, in a world where barriers of cost, language and communication seem to be lessening with each day that passes, there’s no better time than now to follow through on those desires and experience a way of life that is sure to enrich your own.


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