We all, at one point or another, have periods where our self-confidence isn’t as assured, as steadfast, as we’d like it to be. Equally, we’re all after that feeling where everything falls into place just that little bit more. That sweet spot where you could take on the world and win shouldn’t be a once a week occurrence, it should be your modus operandi. Period.
So, if you feel the onset of a deeper malaise, one which isn’t simply a getting out of bed on the wrong side, then it’s a good idea to be proactive about counteracting it. Everyone has the right to a strong feeling of self-worth, and with that in mind, here are our 5 steps to improving your self-confidence, and achieving the IDEAL you.
Your fitness plays a significant role in how you feel, how you relate to yourself and everything around you. The science is there to prove it, with recent studies showing with unwavering certainty the link between exercise and good mental health. Good physical health achieved through fitness can be achieved through a variety of channels. ‘Fitness’ needn’t take the form of gruelling gym sessions and expensive memberships; a simple, brisk daily walk, or taking the stairs not the elevator, can make all the difference.
Often, it really is the little changes that exact the biggest results. If you feel the need to take a first leap into the world of more organised fitness, find time to consult with a personal trainer, such as is available at Origym, as they can give tailor-made, personalised advice on regimes, diet and more. That sense of routine and focus is perhaps as important as the physical gains themselves. Combined, it’s one sure fire way to start feeling better about yourself.
Hobbies offer something to focus on, to nourish the soul, an opportunity to socialise with like minded people and a great starter to have in your conversation kit. Taking a new class can be the gateway to a new social circle as well as skill. Equally as important, we’ve found that in darker times, re-visiting an old hobby can be just as fulfilling as starting a new one. Dusting off the guitar after some time away offers great comfort and nostalgia. Taking up the painting you sidelined years ago can be the reminder that you’ve got serious skills you haven’t been nurturing recently.
Dieting isn’t about starving yourself; it’s about eating healthy food, being mindful of what you eat and where it comes from, and striking the right balance between enjoying food and eating healthily. Store-bought, pre-packaged foods sold in supermarkets and fast-food joints just aren’t as fulfilling for the tummy or mind. We’re not saying cut out everything a little naughty, where’s the fun in that? It just pays to be mindful about your diet. It’s as simple as that.
It’s time to cut those hangers-on loose. That ex you keep going back to? He’s gone. That friend who puts you down, who you get nothing back from? Goodbye to them, too. Toxic relationships exist in all our lives, whether you choose to tolerate or eliminate them is up to you. On the flip side, make more time for close friends and family. Invest more in the meaningful relationships and less in the superficial ones, and you’ll notice an improvement in your self-confidence soon, we promise.
A lack of self-confidence is one thing, but when feelings of a lacking self-worth become persistent and interfere with the everyday, then there is no shame in confiding in someone or seeking help. Speak to someone close to you who you can trust, and consider the range of options on the table for battling low mood. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to consult with your G.P, as many more of us suffer than is widely believed. It’s good to talk. Always.