5 Ideal Tips On Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Hey IDEAL, stop cramping our style and talking about serious stuff over here, we want fun, frolics and cat memes, stat.

But being diagnosed with an underlying heart condition can be a game changer; one with implications for all the things which previously brought you pleasure and contentment. Sex, sport, soirees; adjustments will need to be made. But as always with matters of the body, prevention is better than cure, and a proactive, holistic approach to heart health is the best way to keep those life changing problems at bay. With that in mind, here are 5 IDEAL tips on keeping your heart healthy.


So much of heart health starts with your diet. First things first, it’s time to reduce your salt intake, whatever your coronary condition right now. Experts recommend no more than 6g a day (that’s just a teaspoon’s worth) as too much salt will increase your blood pressure. And we all know where that leads. You should also be aiming to avoid preserved meats, which are super high in salt, and excessively sugary products, as these may contribute to weight gain.

Your new, balanced diet should place an emphasis on unsaturated fats, which increase levels of good cholesterol and help decrease artery blockages. Foods rich in the good stuff include oily fish, such as mackerel and anchovies, nuts and seeds, avocados, and some forms of cooking oil such as rapeseed and olive. Of course, you also want lots of fibre, from whole grains, pulses and fruit.


Understanding your weight is key to maintaining a healthy heart. If you’re carrying too much weight, you’re at higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So, aim to keep your body weight within a healthy BMI range.

Body Max Index (BMI) is a way to figure out if you’re a healthy weight for your height .  The actual formula to determine BMI uses metric system measurements: weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in meters, squared (m2). However, if math isn’t your forte, you can calculate your BMI on the NHS website and see how it compares to others’.


Maintaining a healthy weight is key to decreasing your chances of developing high blood pressure. Of course, regular exercise combined with that balanced diet we mentioned is the best route to this. Getting on the treadmill and raising the pulse is also good for your heart as it can help make your blood circulatory system run more efficiently, as well as lowering your cholesterol and keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level. There really is no reason not too, then. Just don’t overdo it; as this can put strain on your heart.


Without wishing to sound like your ma, those cigs really are doing you no favours. You don’t even look cool anymore. Indeed, if you smoke, the best thing you can do for your heart is knock your habit on the head before it knocks on your heart. Smoking is a major risk factor for developing atherosclerosis (furring of the arteries), and that terrifying term alone should be enough to deter you. But there’s more, the British Heart Foundation report that smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack compared to those who have never smoked. Those are some big numbers, there.


There are myriad different heart conditions which collectively fall under the umbrella term heart disease. One such disease is Atrial Fibrillation, also known as AF, which is a condition in which your heartbeat is irregular. However, this could be confused with other conditions and, therefore, you should always be checked out if your heartbeat is irregular, you can feel fatigued, lightheaded, suffer from chest pain, become short of breath, and feel as though your heart is beating out of your chest, also known as palpitations.

If you think you may be suffering from this, it’s best to see a doctor.

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