The feeling. Is there any worse? Nope, we’re not talking about the mid-noughties pop group, though they were pretty bad. What we’re referring to is that final morning of your two week vacay.

You all know the drill; sat on the edge of your unmade hotel room bed, a little too sunburnt, way too hungover, clothes swinging off lamp shades and an unmistakable dread about packing, flying and worst of all, going back to work. ‘Can’t I just stay here forever?’, you whisper. Well, there are in fact ways in which you can keep in motion, on the move and in the money. Here’s how; our 5 IDEAL ways to find jobs that let you see the world.


Did you know that reputable, worldwide job boards such as Indeed list remote positions, and that their search function makes it easy to filter as such? There are also websites designed to cater to those in the remote jobs market like the Indeed Flex app, Flex Jobs and Remote Gurus, which are great resources for your specific needs.

Of course, that market is a crowded one; who wouldn’t want to work in countries far flung, fun and financially lucrative?

That means your C.V needs to be particularly on point and appealing, so you stand out from the pack. Should yours need a refresh, try an online free resume maker or take a look at resume examples in your industry to update your existing file or give it a complete overhaul. This is an important component of your search, as you now have worldwide – rather than localised – competition for the same role. An overlooked element of jobs in travel, no doubt…


Perhaps going back to the office isn’t such a drag. Your colleagues offer some amusing asides and in-jokes, your boss isn’t so bad and the work is at times fulfilling. But if your heart is truly set on combining travel with employment, then you could pitch a shifting of roles to your seniors, one which factors in more time on the road 

Of course, the proposition needs to make sense and be financially viable, but with an increasingly globalised marketplace constantly shape shifting and evolving, your confidence in dreaming up new business opportunities for your company could well be rewarded.


If you’re reading this, you likely speak English with a fair degree of fluency. Sometimes that’s all you need for a rewarding career abroad. As such, you may find the most enjoyable path to working abroad is via achieving qualification to teach English as a second language, While some companies require the TEFL certification, some will actually pay for you to take the required courses once you’re installed in your new location. There are many different ESL programs out there. Find one that works for you. 


Any kind of freelance job leaves you with time on your hands to work abroad or simply travel. You could be writing, taking photos, blogging, reviewing, reporting, and much more. Whatever your ‘thing’ is, it’s possible to channel it in to paid work. Nowadays, freelance work is well documented online; the web has so many opportunities advertised and available.

If you know how to code (or have the drive to learn), then web developing while on the move could be the answer to your itchy feet. Building websites for other people has never been easier with software and skills acquisition available at the touch of a button. Instead of developing the wwws inside a dingy office in Milton Keynes, why not do it poolside under a tropical sun, cocktail in hand?


Or, you could seek a new role which is defined by travel. As long as you’re not afflicted by vertigo or aviophobia and between the heights of 4’11” and 6’4”, becoming a flight attendant could be your channel into the world of getting paid to see it. Training is typically paid and on-the-job, meaning your adventure could start moving almost as soon as you set that ball rolling. So, what are you waiting for? Alternatively, working on a cruise ship or interrail trains could offer similar perks. Think outside the box and big here.

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