If you’re one of those people who just loves to dance, then we’re sure you can’t resist the temptation to twirl and pirouette at home to even the merest suggestion of a rhythm. The metrical groove of the dustbin van engine? You feel that deep in your soul. Your mum pulsing a parsnip soup? You could get your groove on to that. The dawn chorus? You’ve made remixes in your head.
But that’s the problem. This passion is thus far not being lived to its full potential. At worst in your head and at best in the front room, right? Let’s cut to the chase; wouldn’t it be great if you had your own dance studio?
Well, it needn’t just be a hypothetical question posed. If you have a spare room, with a few simple tweaks you can transform it into a place where you and your friends can dance. With that in mind, here are 5 steps to building your own dance studio at home.
What type of dancing do you most adore? Your favoured dance style somewhat determines your next steps (excuse the pun) here. If you wish to practice ballet movements in the comfort of your home, for instance, then you’ll have to make specific decisions in terms of the size and location of the room you choose, not to mention flooring.
If it’s break dancing you’re looking to practice, then the floor is going to need to be more shock absorbent than the aforementioned ballet. Should you be a ballroom enthusiast, then the designated room needs to be spacious enough to incorporate those elongated, graceful movements comfortably.
As a rule, the dance discipline you’re intending to practice decides the size, shape and fitting of the room.

People without dance career aspirations end up running practices wherever they can. Ideally, you should have an open space next to a large glass window, preferably mirrored so you can check your form and assess if you’re following correct posture, should you be practicing alone. If you don’t want the rest of the world to judge your pirouettes, fill a room with glassless mirrors.
To really mark out the room as a devoted dance space, consider installing a ballet barre. This stationary handrail offers support during warm up exercises and training, and helps maximise space in the domestic dance studio setting. Though you could simply fashion your own, it’s more advisable to order a dedicated bar, which will be designed to be the proper weight and height according to National Core Arts Standards.

Since the dance floor is the most important space in the world for a dancer, both amateur and professional, it’s crucial that the flooring you install matches your dedication. If the room you’re planning on transforming into a dance studio has a concrete floor, add some sort of subflooring as a priority. Alternatively, invest in portable dance floors, which you can add to a room for each session and then remove again to allow the room to be used for a different purpose, should your home dance studio be a little more transient.
Laminate tiles are the preferred choice for home dance studios, and are an affordable option for those looking to kit out their new room quickly and within a tight budget. Do be aware that laminate flooring can be quite slippery when first installed, so exercise caution when enjoying those inaugural practices on your new flooring.
Of course, all of these details and considerations are elementary without having good music to move to. Introducing a decent sound system to your dance space, then, is integral to the success of your home studio.
If you’re trying to do things within a tight budget, then portable Bluetooth speakers will do the job efficiently. Sonos are looking to lead the field in 2020, and their One and Play:5 models are superb. They do, however, come at a price. JBL do an affordable range of waterproof, unassuming speakers perfect for kitchens, and we’re also big fans of Audio Pro Addon range, which boasts brilliant sound for the price.
Or, you could go for a smart speaker; the previously mentioned Sonos One has Alexa activated capabilities, and Apple’s Home Pod is also voice controlled. Ideal, we think, for those moments when you’re finding your groove and don’t want to be faffing about with your phone to play the next track.
Whilst we’re on the subject of repurposing rooms around the house, check out our 10 IDEAL tips for turning your garage into a home gym, and turn your home into a hub of activity!