Will they, won’t they, might they? Of course, they will…
Though Lockdown 3.0 hasn’t been confirmed yet, it’s looking inevitable that we’re going to be stuck indoors, at home, for the first few months of 2021. While constant government U-turns certainly aren’t helping our usually calm disposition, there are fortunately several things you can do to keep yourself busy, focused and most importantly, content during the next period of government-enforced downtime.
These are those; here are 5 things you should be doing if you care about your wellbeing while you’re stuck at home.
Waking up and scrolling through Instagram, then your daily dose of the BBC Breakfast news followed by a morning on the computer screen, and then another shot of the news at lunchtime….it makes us anxious even reading that screen heavy schedule.
Constantly topping up our stimulation and stress levels by unceasing exposure to rolling news coverage and social media just isn’t good for your sense of peace and wellbeing. What’s more, it can also be hugely distracting when you’re trying to work from home.
To ensure you’re focused during the working day and relaxed after it, it’s sensible to limit your superfluous screen time as much as possible, particularly on social media. Place your phone out of sight during the day and put time limits on your use of social media apps (ironically, there are apps for that) to ensure you’re, at the very least, reminded of just how frequently you’re picking up your phone.
Ideally, try not to check your phone for the first hour of being awake and for an hour before bed, too; you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Doing something creative gives us time to think. Or rather, not to think. From lowering stress levels to alleviating symptoms of depression and low mood, there are so many reasons to, peacefully and at your own pace, learn a new skill.
Moreover, it can give us a sense of purpose, which is so needed during this rather rudderless time. Studies have shown that hobbies which require plenty of mental stimulation have the biggest impact on our wellbeing. This is because one of the biggest hindrances to a sense of contentment is boredom and a feeling that life has become too routine, which has only been exasperated by the global pandemic.
If you’re wondering where to start, here are 5 new skills to learn in lockdown, IDEAL for those looking to make work for idle hands.
The home office and the home have blurred their boundaries, and there’s a danger that the nation’s workers are taking on more than they can manage, just to keep hold of their jobs. When deadlines, rather than hours, completed begin to define your role, it can only be a bad thing for your work/life balance.
Do ensure that during the next few months you’re not letting your clocking off time get pushed further and further back. It’s also essential that you take regular breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just for a quick walk around the house, or a longer one around the block, if you feel so inclined. Doing so will give you a few moments to realign perspective, take a break from staring at a screen, and most importantly, fight off some of the risks of an overly sedentary working lifestyle.

A lack of Vitamin D in the darker months is an issue for millions of Brits every year, but in 2021, with lockdown limbo ever present, the problem only looks set to be exacerbated.
According to The Conversation, ”humans need vitamin D to keep healthy and to fight infections…in the winter, people have a reduced ability to make vitamin D when they go outside, so amounts of at least 600 IU per day of vitamin D from food or supplements would help maintain vitamin D status at summer levels”. It makes sense, then, to ramp up the elements of your diet which can bring that elusive D in the requisite amounts.
Hey, we spend a third of our lives doing it, yet so many of us still underestimate the importance of sleep. A good 7-9 hours a night ensures that we’re operating at our optimum, with sleep not only helping us recover physically, but also building better mental resilience.
Should you be keen to read some advice on how to improve your sleep hygiene, then do check out our article on 5 tips for sleeping better during uncertain times, IDEAL for improving your wellbeing with a good night’s sleep.