The rigours of modern life make for a stressful day-to-day, with the majority of people in the UK reporting feeling overwhelmed at times, according to a recent study. Indeed, the Mental Health Foundation reported back in 2018 that 3 in 4 of people surveyed had felt so stressed that they had been unable to cope.
And that was back in 2018BC (before COVID) when things were more simple, straightforward and stress free. We just didn’t know it back then.
In 2022, we can only imagine that number has touched 100%. Whilst the best way to tackle these feelings is, of course, with the help of a qualified professional (the NHS has a useful resource on getting help with stress here), there are also changes you can make at home that can help you unwind and switch off.
Whilst minds will immediately conjure up images of a meditation space full of flickering candles and burning incense, or a bed made extra comfy with throws, cushions and the rest, it’s less common to think of the bathroom when contemplating domestic upgrades to relieve stress.
Think again; there are simple ways in which you can adapt your bathroom to reflect the calming luxury emanated by professional spas – here are just five, which can have a tangible effect on your stress levels and improve your downtime no end.
Something you might take for granted in commercial or professional spa environments is the absence of displayed storage or goods, past certain statement pieces. Toiletries and bathing equipment are stored out of sight, to enable visitors to focus on the environment itself, and we think that’s something you should consider replicating at home.
While your home bathroom might not benefit from having as much space as your local spa, you can still take some cues from it with smart storage decisions.
Declutter your bathroom by removing goods from the edge of your bath or windowsill, and storing them neatly in hidden shelves or hanging baskets; the clearer your bathroom surfaces, the less stressful the room will feel. Fitted shelving can appear flush with the room, while organisers made from natural materials can bring a sense of order to your belongings.
Because there’s nothing more likely to disturb that inner calm you’re seeking than the sight of your toothbrush, a toilet roll needing to be chucked out, and your kid’s box of nappies.

Perhaps the most impactful way to shift the mood in your bathroom is to approach it from a decorating standpoint, and introduce calming colours to its walls.
A lick of bathroom paint can go a long way to bringing calm to your bathroom, with the added bonus of resisting mould and mildew. Opt for soft nautical colours, in the vein of teals and sea-blues, to create a sense of space, openness and nature; alternatively, Mediterranean palettes including terracotta and seafoam green can create a sense of warmth.
So far, we have only addressed one of our five senses. But considering the effects of the other senses can go a long way to promoting a sense of pampering and relaxation. Smell is a particularly powerful sense in this regard, and bringing certain scents into play can transform the feel of your bathroom.
Lavender has long been touted for its de-stressing qualities, and recent studies have scientifically proven lavender to have a calming effect; either use lavender oil and a tealight to infuse your room with the scent, or place a bunch of fresh lavender in a vase for a subtler, fresher effect. Other essential oils can confer their own benefits with regard to relaxation, and judicious use of bath products can elevate your wash-time to spa-levels of comfort.

Your lighting situation is a key piece of the puzzle for cementing the mood of your bathing space. The overhead light simply will not do; tealights are a swift and inexpensive way to bring the light level down and impart a sense of warmth into a space, but installing a dimmer switch or specialist dimming LED can make all the difference to the utility of your bathroom.
New dimming LEDs can be made to change colour, and connected to your phone for smart utility – making for an endlessly customisable lighting experience, and the ability to change the mood to suit your own.

Last but certainly not least, any spa worth its bath salts needs some soothing elixirs to soak in. And sure, you can buy all manner of luxury bath essences and elixirs online, but have you ever considered making your own? There’s something rather holistic and wholesome about knowing exactly what you’re bathing in, after all.
To make your own, simply add two parts kosher salt, two parts Epsom salt, and one part baking soda to a few drops of your favourite essential oils for a great make-do stress-buster. Try oil combinations of 10 drops of eucalyptus and 10 drops of peppermint – perfect for blocked sinuses – or 10 drops of bergamot and 10 drops of lavender if you’re looking for a relaxation aid.
If you want something restorative for your spa experience, try adding 20 drops of eucalyptus, 10 drops of peppermint, then three ounces of almond oil into your tub with some Epsom salts. And breaaatthhheee…