6 Ideal Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer

Summer holidays in the UK are something of a dichotomy. For the majority of school children, they represent pure, unbridled freedom for a length of time that feels both infinite and fleeting. For teachers, that effect is only amplified tenfold, with the early September scaries bringing the six weeks to a crashing, crushing close way too early each and every year.

For parents, those six weeks are bittersweet. Sure, it’s almost two whole months of quality time with the kids. But equally, it’s almost two whole months of time spent trying to think of entertaining yet educational activities for both parent and child. 

Keeping the kids occupied can be tough, make no mistake, even for a day. But for six weeks? Things can get really tricky. And though the summer is still several months away, it’s never too early to start planning for this extended spell of downtime. Fortunately, we’re here to help you get inspired, with these 6 IDEAL ways to keep your kids entertained this summer. 

Forest Camp

A summer camp where the kids actually learn some valuable life skills, spend loads of time in the open air and away from their screens, get plenty of exercise, foster a sense of camaraderie and teambuilding, nurture an appreciation of nature, and generally embrace the spirit of adventure with both hands? Where do we sign up!

We’re talking, of course, about forest camps, which have become increasingly popular in the UK in recent years, as a way to keep the kids entertained over summer whilst also teaching them tons of valuable lessons. 

Whether they’re learning how to build a shelter or orienteering their way through a thicket using only a paper map and compass (no Google Maps allowed!), your kids will love going to forest camp. 

From Wild Things! in the Scottish Highlands to The Hive in a rural corner of London. check out Country File’s rundown of the best forest and adventure camps in the UK for more on that.

International Summer Camp

If your kids (and maybe you, selfishly!) prefer their summer adventures more far flung, then have you considered an International Summer Camp? 

Taking place on the continent and offering your children an insight into a different culture, sample a new cuisine and hopefully beginning on the journey to picking up a second language, International Summer Camps are a defining moment in many a child’s development and progression into adulthood. That’s not to say they’re a serious pursuit; there’s plenty of fun to be had on one!

The guys from Camp Suisse tell us at that their summer camp involves clambering up climbing crags, getting to grips with mountain biking, hiking and camping, unleashing your kid’s inner Robin Hood in their lively archery sessions,  building hammocks in the woods, navigating round the local forest with a compass, and pitting our wits in team building challenges. Never a dull moment, indeed.

And the best bit? You’ll have earned yourself some much needed ‘me time’ back home!

A UK Road Trip 

From Cornwall’s picturesque seaside towns and North Wales’ rural, rugged landscapes to the Norfolk Broads’ lock-free waterways, there are more beautiful staycation spots on our little island than you can shake a hiking stick at. And what better way to experience the best of it than by getting up close and personal? 

We realise that you’re taking your kids on a roadtrip to keep them entertained, but remember that backseat based entertainment is essential to keep the kids happy on those longer stretches of road. 

There’s only so much ‘I Spy’ you can play before things get tetchy, after all. In terms of distraction devices, the smaller the better fits well with the travelling light mantra; an iPad with some cartoons downloaded or perhaps a playlist of your child’s favourite songs to sing along to, is a good start.

Once you’ve got your car-based distraction sorted, it’s time to inspire your kids to love the UK. Check out our article on the best UK road trips to do with the kids before they grow up for more inspiration.

By Kate_sept2004 from Getty Images Signature

Take Them To The Library

The Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges once said, ‘’I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of a Library.’’

Well, for children, whose imaginations seem to know no bounds, libraries truly are paradise. And for parents of those children, the same could be said, as kids can keep themselves entertained for hours, for free, in these most hallowed of institutions.

As Medium explains, “Three important goals that many parents have: spending quality time with their children, helping them to be independent and socially fluent, and building their love for reading. These goals are easily accomplished by taking your child to the library”.

This summer, the library could easily become your new favourite partner in parenting!

Read: How to encourage your kids to get interested in the environment

Decorate Their Bedroom 

A child’s bedroom is their kingdom –  a place to play, sleep, study and even dream. To fill those endless days with a fun and exciting activity, why not consider decorating their bedroom with them?

Kids love to get involved in decorating and creating their rooms. Moreover, with an exciting new room,  they will be happier spending some of their summer holidays playing and chilling 

Read: 6 amazing decorating ideas for young kids’ bedrooms

Summer Holiday Garden Projects

Finally, and now that we’re in the spirit of putting your kids to work (only kidding – child labour laws wouldn’t allow it!), another great way to keep your kids entertained, getting them fresh air and off their screens, is through a range of summer holiday garden projects.

Rather than keep you here (we realise you might have some entertaining to do), let us redirect you to these great garden project suggestions. We hope you have a wonderful summer when it finally rolls around! 

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