Never has the collective health of the nation – scrap that, the world – been more important. And yet, it can feel like we have less personal control over it than ever. Public health decisions taken seemingly at random, COVID guidelines still present in some circumstances and open to misinterpretation, and a prevailing suspicion of authority have all added up to a feeling that our health is currently not in our carefully washed hands.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Fortunately, there are things you can do, personally, to keep fit and healthy, putting your best foot forward as summer reaches its peak. Here’s how; our 6 ways to take control of your health.
Drink Less
If you’re reevaluating your relationship with alcohol, then you’re not alone. You just have to look at the recent boom of the “Nolo” drinks market, which is set to grow by 34% by 2024, to understand the country’s changing attitudes to drinking.
We all know that drinking alcohol isn’t good for us. Alcohol consumption can lead to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as certain types of cancer, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, a weakening of the immune system and many more health issues besides. Even low-level drinking will increase your risk of developing many diseases. And if you’ve been thinking a little alcohol is good for your heart, then think again. As the NHS writes “The previously held position that some level of alcohol was good for the heart has been revised”.
Unfortunately we’re a nation that loves a drink. Indeed, for better or for worse, much of the socialising in Britain revolves around the pub and the pint. But rather than never seeing your friends again, there are ways you can enjoy a rich and full social life without the need for alcohol to play a central role. Let us direct you to our article on 5 tips for enjoying a full alcohol free social life.
Go To The Doctor
According to research we’re a nation of “Doctor Dodgers”. As the Independent reports “Two-thirds of Brits would put off going to the doctor – because they are scared they will receive bad news”.
Moreover, one person told the paper that because it’s “widely reported in the news how over-stretched our GPs and NHS,” they don’t want to bother doctors with their symptoms.
Indeed, it’s no secret that because of the Tories, our NHS is in crisis. However, doctors are urging people not to suffer in silence. Regardless of the current stories about wait times, if you’re one of those people who puts off going to the doctor, then now is the time to make a change, rather than continue to ignore any latent issues.
Change your ways and visit the doctor’s when you need to instead of spending weeks googling your symptoms and self-diagnosing yourself with every disease under the sun. It’s important to recognise health issues and take the right steps towards getting treated. Colds and coughs will often go away by themselves, but more concerning issues, like lumps and perpetual headaches, could hint at something deeper.
Some, in such times of strain on the NHS, are choosing to book a private GP appointment online with a GMC-registered and NHS-trained doctor to assuage their concerns and put their minds at ease. Whether this helps ease the pressure on the NHS or further contributes to its privatisation is up for debate. If face-to-face visits are challenging, platforms like BetterHelp can provide mental health support online, offering convenience and accessibility.

Keep Up To Date With Screening and Tests
Routine health checkups are vital for continued good health and ensuring that you are in control of your wellbeing. However, not enough people follow through with them, and this means you could miss a problem that would be dealt with had you attended your yearly screening.
Such tests include everything from formal hearing and eye tests to cancer screening for lumps and physicals for the guys. While they can be uncomfortable, especially if you’ve never done one before, they are vital for ensuring you remain in excellent health, and your doctor can highlight any potential issues. If nothing else, they can provide peace of mind that you’re in good health.
Everyone needs a physical MOT at some point in their life, the chance to have a professional look under the hood and make sure your body is in full working order. And the rise of diagnostic laboratories offering this service online has made that professional look-over a little bit easier.
Plan Your Meals
A tried, tested, and triumphant method of getting your health under control is to adjust your diet. Here at IDEAL, we’ve recently found ourselves increasingly eating out of boredom and stress. All that time spent in lockdown in the previous two years has taken its toll on our dietary habits, and we’re raiding our fridge for comfort food each time we hear some bad news. Which is often.
To avoid this impulsive eating, nutritionists advise that you start planning out your meals and snacks in advance, weighed, measured and considered, so you don’t succumb to your stomach’s urges quite so consistently.
Moreover, as the Mayo Clinic points out “menu planning is a great way to make sure you’re eating a balanced diet and meeting your nutritional needs. And, as every frugal cook knows, menu planning can save you time and money”. The latter of which, we should add, is more important than ever given the current cost of living crisis.
Read: 7 IDEAL tips and ideas for budget meal planning

Take Care of Your Teeth
Do you remember that hard-hitting Corsodyl advert with the strapline ‘we wouldn’t ignore blood if it came from a tap’? Or, a similarly unnerving campaign showing a woman using mascara and ignoring bleeding from her eye, with the message ‘we wouldn’t ignore bleeding from any other part of the body, so we shouldn’t ignore spitting blood after brushing’? Yeah, that was an effective campaign.
Good oral hygiene is really important and protecting your pearly whites through brushing and flossing will help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Research has even shown that gum disease might be linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.
It’s time to take control of our dental health; don’t put off booking an appointment if you’re suffering.
Don’t Forget Your Body & Head
We all know it’s important to look after your body and exercise. However, finding the motivation to workout and actually reach our fitness goals isn’t easy. Enter a personal trainer.
While, personal trainers aren’t cheap, but they are a sure-fire way to stay on track with your fitness goals. Stay fit on your own and you run the risk of getting lazy, of skipping leg day at the gym because you’re tired. Having a personal trainer waiting for you at the gym will, however, motivate you to, at the very least, show up.
As much as your body will signal when you aren’t treating it correctly, your head will do the same if you’ve been neglecting your mental health. In our always-connected world, it can be impossible to switch off from social media and work, with emails pinging through at unsociable hours causing a level of stress no one needs right now.
Such a culture means you’re never able to switch off, and this means you’re unable to refresh and recharge from the day, ready for the next one. This can have severe ramifications on your mental wellbeing.
Do endeavour to set aside some time for yourself each day, for self care and self love, screen free, whether that means taking a long bath, reading a book, meditating or simply taking a stroll. For that much needed peace of mind that we keep extolling the virtues of, such ‘me time’ is essential.
*This article is not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment given by a qualified mental health professional. Instead, this article only provides information, not advice. For any medical enquiries, always consult your GP first*