7 Ways To Upgrade Your Life & Feel More Content

Upgrade your life. It’s not a collocation we often hear, sounding a little too much like you can plug yourself in to a power socket and install some updates designed to make you run more smoothly and efficiently. But, it’s a notion we think which should be given some credence, a holistic way of looking at the biggest picture of all, life, and figuring out where, when and how to enact some changes.

And hey; we don’t blame you for wanting to make some wholesale changes right now. After two years of global turmoil, a pandemic, and now, a cost of living crisis, it’s only natural to want to enact something seismic in your life. With this in mind, here are 7 ways to upgrade your life and feel more content.

Secure A New Job

Apart from bed (if you’re lucky), work is the place where you spend the majority of your short existence on the planet. It’s essential then, to make those hours count. If you’re not happy in your current role, or feel it’s draining your vitality out of you, then now is the perfect time to spruce up your resume and secure a new job that will put a smile on your face and challenge you.

A change like this will instantly upgrade your life and make you excited to get out of bed each day. Don’t settle for the mediocre; instead, focus on the long game and secure satisfaction for life.

Read: 21 in demand careers to consider in 2022

Travel More

Travelling is an excellent way to broaden your horizons, experience new things and earn a cultural capital unavailable to those who never venture out of their postcode. For those wishing to ‘grow’ as a person, getting out there is the failsafe option. Moreover, exposing yourself to different cultures and attitudes to life will not only broaden your perspective of life, it will make you appreciates things at home so much more.

And after more than two years of travel restrictions and staying grounded, now feels like the perfect time (once those pesky airport queues die down) to get out there and see the world.

Time spent in Norway and you’ll never complain about the British snow again, while a couple of months spent in the US will have you appreciating the subtleties of your traditional hometown pub that little bit more. Having a rational, relative perception of the world is grounding and gratifying for your mentality and mindset. So stop making excuses, and get travelling.

Should you find yourself warming to a place, and in the spirit of wholesale change, then many cities around the world allow visitors to sign a rolling tenancy agreement for a month or two, to dip your toes in the water and see if you could imagine yourself moving there permanently.

Practise Gratitude Daily

Practising gratitude is simple and straightforward but it may not be at the top of your to-do list currently. However, it’s an effective way to feel happy and excited about life and will help you focus on the positives. Wake up with a grateful heart and go to bed thinking about all your blessings to help you maintain an optimistic mindset.

You can clear your mind of negative thoughts and instead concentrate your energy and thinking on all that’s going right and well for you and that you do have in your life. It may also help to jot down your feelings and keep a gratitude journal so that you can review it often and get in the habit of reflecting.

Find A Hobby That Benefits Your Wellbeing

Stop sitting around being bored or watching television and find a hobby that you can enjoy doing in your free time. There are plenty of activities and ideas out there for you to choose from including learning how to cook, teaching yourself how to build furniture and playing a sport. Your life will be that much more exciting and interesting when you’re out and about meeting new people and getting outside of your comfort zone.

Pick a few different options, so you have choices for when you’re in the mood to be alone versus conversing and working with others.

Strive For A Healthier Lifestyle

Your health is extremely important when it comes to how you feel overall and your energy levels. Instantly upgrade your life by putting self-care at the top of your to-do list and taking care of yourself around the clock. Getting healthy can take myriad forms, but the most effective ways include endeavouring to exercise daily, cooking healthy meals for yourself and getting plenty of rest each night. You’ll find that when you attend to your wellbeing, you’ll be in a much better mood and your ability to function to the best of your ability at work and in your home life will be realised.

Connect With Others On A Meaningful Level

You’d be surprised at how great you feel when you spend time with people who lift you up and encourage you to be better. Take time to connect with others and laugh and share stories with one another on a regular basis, and equally as important, remove the negative energy in your life. 

Read: 10 ways to be more sociable today

Become A Morning Person

The early bird catches the worm, as they say, but did you know that early birds also have greater levels of happiness and are at a lower risk of depression compared to those who are “night owls”, according to research conducted by Exeter University as reported in the Guardian.

If you’re wondering just how to become an early bird, then check out these 8 expert-approved ways to become a morning person.

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