Ideal for those looking for some nifty tips and tricks when self pampering.
You might have heard that these are unprecedented times. And with beauty salons and hairdressers only just opened, and dates and dalliances infrequent, we’re not afraid to admit that our beauty regime has suffered.
With few folks eager to immediately rush out onto the high street for a makeover or treatment, more and more people are looking for handy hacks that will let them tackle everyday beauty tasks from the comfort of their own home and for little money. We’ve teamed up with Sally Beauty reviews, who offer extensive reviews and ratings on cosmetics products, to bring you these; here are 7 of our favourite at home beauty hacks, IDEAL for those looking for some nifty tips and tricks when self pampering.
Root regrowth is the bane of many people’s lives, and with salon appointment slots hard to come by right now, not to mention expensive, people are looking for new ways to colour their own hair from home. Indeed, plenty of women are trying their hand at touching up their greys themselves and we have a tip that makes the whole process so much simpler – use a toothbrush.
Yep, you heard us right; a toothbrush. Not only will you avoid getting dye in unwanted places, but you can also brush it right into your hairline to achieve a natural-looking blend.
You simply need to mix your dye as prescribed on the box, section off your hair and apply with a toothbrush to all of your roots. If you then want to apply the rest of the dye through the length of your hair, you can. Simply do so roughly 10 minutes before washing everything out. This will help you to avoid ‘hot roots’ that look a different shade to the rest of your hair.

If you suddenly find that you’ve run out of eyeliner, don’t panic – simply use your mascara as a makeshift liner.
Start by applying your mascara high into your lash line, giving you definition instantly. For added drama, or if you are a winged liner aficionado, grab a liner brush and dip the tip into your mascara before using it like a liquid liner. Because it’s an eye product already, you can rest easy that you won’t cause yourself any damage with this mascara hack.
Don’t waste money on expensive shave creams and gels when something that’s already sitting in your shower can give you a superior finish.
Yep, standard hair conditioner is the perfect substitute for costly creams that never seem to last as long as you’d hope. It’s also incredibly simple to use. Just coat your legs and/or underarms with a thin layer of conditioner, leave for a few seconds to soften up the hair, and then shave as you would normally. The result is a new level of smoothness that seems to give you longer between shaves as well.
Few things are more annoying than cutting yourself while shaving your legs. The smallest cuts always seem to bleed the most (rather than the first, the deepest, we think) and if you nick your ankle? That’s seriously painful. Fortunately, we’ve discovered an easy, effective way to stop the blood flowing and to speed up healing, too.
So, next time you catch yourself while shaving, reach for your favourite lip balm. Rub it on your cut and the waxy texture will seal the wound. A word of warning; avoid anything mint flavoured as the menthol will sting.
A money and space-saving hack all rolled into one here; try using your favourite lipstick as a cheek tint for a more tonally cohesive look that won’t ask you to carry 20+ different pieces of make-up in your bag at all times.
If you like a bold blush, dab straight from the tube using your fingertips, but for a sheer and summery vibe, mix it with a little lip balm or petroleum jelly on the back of your hand before dotting onto the apples of your cheeks. Hey, presto! Perfectly tinted cheeks.

Ever wondered how to tame unruly eyebrows and get that natural-but-neat look which is just so in fashion right now? Well, here’s the answer.
After applying your mascara, wipe your wand almost entirely clean with a make-up wipe, then gently comb it through your brows. Not only will you neaten them up, but a little trace of pigment will add depth and tone as well as staying power, too. It’s basically like getting HD brows, but with none of the pain or expense.
While we’re on the subject, check our article on the 7 beginner’s steps to the IDEAL eyebrows for an in depth look at shedding those caterpillars.

Perfecting easy waves might seem impossible, but if you have a set of hair straighteners, you’re halfway there already.
Straighteners, for curling, you say? It sounds odd – counter intuitive, even – but if you put your hair in a low ponytail, then twist it and run your straighteners along the full length, when you take out your hair tie you’ll have loose waves that look salon perfect.