8 Tips For A Stress Free Road Trip With The Kids

Roll down the windows and let the wind blow back your hair. Can you smell the sense of abandon? It’s palpable. Have you got your yacht rock playlist ready to roar? It’s just you, me and the open road baby; put your pedal to the metal and let’s rock!

But wait. What’s that whining? Are we there yet? A baby crying? Mum, I’m bored. And what’s that other sound? Yep, that’s the sound of your dream ride of fun and freedom, loose morals and looser plans, shattering. It shouldn’t have to be this way, though. You can still have a great adventure, a more fulfilling one even, with the little ones in tow. And here’s how; our 8 tips for a stress-free road trip with the kids.

Get Yourself A Large, Dependable Ride

There is nothing worse on your freewheelin’ road trip than a sudden case of threewheelin’, stuck at the side of the road and waiting for that replacement tyre. It can be damaging enough to your self-esteem, let alone the little ones. Your chances of a stress-free better road trip are greatly enhanced by securing a roomy, reliable ride for your journey.

If your usual wheels are on the cramped side of cosy, then consider renting something bigger for the trip. Or if you intend on making this a regular thing, investing in a caravan or motorhome might be more prudent. 

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Have A Firm Plan In Place…

Are we there yet? It’s a tough question to field and an even tougher kid to placate if you have no bloody clue of the answer. With kids, we’re sorry to say, the rules are somewhat changed on being impromptu and carefree. It’s essential to have a plan of attack in place, including a detailed knowledge of where you’ll be staying and the nearby entertainment, activities, medical provisions and kid-friendly food available. This will take huge amounts of stress away from the trip, and allow you more quality time with your family. And that’s what it’s all about, right?

But Be Flexible

Yep, we know we’ve just extolled the virtues of meticulous planning, but it’s also important to leave a little room for flexibility on your trip. Military precision is all well and good, but it can ruin the vibe of the holiday entirely if you ignore your kids’ sudden desire to have a dip in a lake or picnic in the forest just because your hostel check-in specifies 6pm on the dot.

So, when booking accommodation and activities in advance, make sure you click that oft-ignored ‘cancellation insurance’ button and opt for places which allow free cancellation or date and time flexibility wherever possible.

By Kate_sept2004 from Getty Images Signature

Pack Light But Pack Well

Kids need stuff. And so much of it. But your trip will be vastly improved by packing light and only bringing with you what you absolutely need. Of course, medical necessities, snacks, and entertainment are essential, but does the little one really need his lightsaber, superman cape and doll’s house in the back of the car? We think – nope we’re sure – that a cramped, uncomfortable car will elicit more moaning than a couple less toys being present on the journey.

Bring Entertainment

That said, some entertainment is essential to keep the kids happy on those longer stretches of road. There’s only so much ‘I Spy’ you can play before things get tetchy. In terms of distraction devices, the smaller the better fits well with the travelling light mantra; an iPad with some cartoons downloaded or perhaps a playlist of your child’s favourite songs to sing along to, is a good start.

Plan for A Smoother Ride

Ensuring a smooth ride is crucial for keeping everyone comfortable and happy during your journey. Investing in quality shock absorbers can make a significant difference, especially on bumpy roads. Sachs shock absorbers provide a smooth and stable ride, which is especially important on long journeys. These devices help to cushion the impact of uneven surfaces, providing a more pleasant time in the back for the bairns.

Additionally, consider equipping your vehicle with noise-cancelling tyres, which can reduce road noise and create a quieter environment inside the car. A well-maintained suspension system is also essential for a smoother ride, so make sure to have your vehicle checked and serviced before embarking on your trip.

These small investments can greatly enhance the overall comfort of your journey, making it more enjoyable for both you and your little ones.

Read: A guide to the UK’s longest road trip

Schedule Regular Breaks

Long stretches of driving can be tiring for everyone, especially children who have shorter attention spans and need to move around more frequently. To keep the journey pleasant, plan to take regular breaks every couple of hours. These stops provide an opportunity for everyone to stretch their legs, use the restroom, and have a snack. Look for rest areas with playgrounds or open spaces where kids can run around and burn off some energy. Incorporating these breaks into your itinerary can help prevent restlessness and keep spirits high throughout the trip.

Involve The Kids In The Planning

One way to keep children engaged and excited about the road trip is to involve them in the planning process. Let them help choose some of the destinations, activities, or even the snacks for the journey. This sense of involvement can make them feel more invested in the trip and less likely to become bored or restless.

You could create a simple map or itinerary that they can follow along with, marking off each stop as you go. This not only keeps them entertained but also teaches them about geography and planning. By making them a part of the adventure, you can turn the road trip into a fun and educational experience for the whole family. Sounds like heaven to us!

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