Home Renovation: How To Survive Having The Builders In

Is your home undergoing a renovation project and you’re planning on getting the builders in? Well, congratulations; we commend you on your bravery!

You’ve sought the expertise of lawyers, land surveyors, and architects, and your local planning authority have given your plans the all clear. Now, the real work begins. Exciting (and stressful) times await, with much of your house out of action, dust everywhere, and a fair amount of social awkwardness about toilet use par for the course.

If you’re new to all of this, then perhaps some pointers will help; here’s how to survive having the builders in.

Give Them A Spare Key

First things first, one of the most troublesome aspects of having a team of builders working on your property is having to stay home to ensure you’re on hand to let them in. The solution is simple; release yourself from this tyranny and give them a key. Or, leave a spare key in a combination key box for the team and give them the code. Just don’t leave it under the doormat or under a flowerpot – that only leads to trouble.

Wondering if you’re covered should anything get stolen? Well, first of all, if you can’t trust your builder with a spare set of keys, then you definitely shouldn’t be trusting them to work on your house. Have some faith!

That said, the Telegraph suggests that “if you’re planning to have the builders at your home whilst you are away or at work, we would strongly recommend contacting your insurer and notifying them.” 

Wise words, indeed.

Be Aware Of Common Builder Bugbears

You may find having the builders in a trial, but the builders may find you irritating, too. According to Simply Business, these are the top bugbears of tradespeople:

  • Calling them ‘mate’ while putting on a ‘working class’ accent that isn’t real– believe it or not they can tell how well off you are because you’ve hired them to work on your house – duh.
  • Standing over them while they work – it doesn’t get the job done quicker and just makes them feel very nervous.
  • Assuming that they all like football – and pretending that you like it too.
  • Assuming they all want a bacon sarnie and a tea with three sugars – offering food is a kind gesture, but not all builders are meat eaters that drink a builder’s brew! Ask them first.
  • Don’t be annoyed with them taking a break around 11 am – they’ve been working hard since 7am.
  • If you don’t understand what they’re doing or telling you – just ask – don’t just pretend and nod along.

A list that’s all too familiar, don’t you think? To keep things harmonious, bear the above in mind and just be normal.

Read: 7 key steps in the kitchen renovation process

Alternative Cooking Arrangements

If your kitchen is getting a makeover, then it’s important that you create an alternative, temporary kitchen – your belly will thank you for it as the novelty of eating out at restaurants or getting takeaways soon wears thin. 

Consider relocating appliances to this temporary kitchen, including but not limited to; a toaster oven, microwave, rice cooker, slow cooker, kettle, blender and even a portable electric hob. 

It’s also a good idea to prep home cooked meals in advance and fill your freezer with them. Then, you simply need to reheat these meals in your microwave or toaster oven. Beats a ready meal, don’t you think?

Read: 5 easy, delicious meals you can make from your store cupboard and freezer

Take Up A New Hobby

If you do find yourself having to spend more time outside of the house because of all the renovation work, why not turn the imposition into an opportunity? Make the most of this valuable, chore-free time and take up a new hobby or interest that keeps you active, inspired and out of the house.

As well as getting you out of the house, a new hobby can lower any stress you may be feeling due to the renovation work. Research has shown that spending time on an activity that you enjoy helps to lower stress levels and can even alleviate the symptoms of depression and low mood. 

Sort Out The Rubbish

If it’s a large-scale home improvement you’re talking about, there’s a good chance that there’ll be a decent amount of general waste and mess needing to be removed from your house regularly.

With the process of refurbishment being stressful enough as it is, you don’t want to have a whole heap of rubbish strewn about your house to deal with when the work is finally done. If you’re expecting a large amount of refuse, it might be in your best interest to hire skip to help store it in until a later date. If you don;t dispose of your waste properly, you may well fall foul of the law. Or, at the very least, make enemies of your neighbours

Dust Sheets Are Your Friends

When the builders are in, things can get messy and dust seems to accumulate just about everywhere. Remember that plastic sheets can save you a whole lot of hassle, so cover your furniture and floors in them liberally. You don’t want dust or paint irrevocably damaging your stuff, so be rigorous with this step.

You should also use blue tape to secure the plastic to surfaces and prevent any infiltration. While you’re at it, ensure that the dust and the dirt of renovation don’t impact on your electronics; have them covered with plastic and blue painter’s tape.

The Bottom Line

Let’s face it; domestic renovation projects can be stressful work, and this sense of chaos can only be heightened by the daily presence of builders in your house. Make things as comfortable as possible for them, and you’ll make things as comfortable as possible for yourself, too. Good luck!

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