The Groovy Food Company ,  an award-winning British brand committed to sourcing and producing natural foods that taste delicious and nourish the body’s overall health and wellbeing, share this delicious ‘Lemon Chicken with Omega Cool Pesto’ with IDEAL.

Serves 4


Lemon chicken: 

4 free-range chicken breasts

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

2 tbsp The Groovy Food Company Omega Cool Oil

1 tbsp The Groovy Food Company Agave Nectar Amber and Mild


200g baby plum tomatoes halved

2 cloves garlic crushed

1 tsp The Groovy Food Company Agave Nectar Amber and Mild

1 tbsp The Groovy Food Company Omega Cool Oil

 240g dried linguine

Omega Pesto:

Large bunch of fresh basil

½ clove garlic

50g almonds

30g Parmesan

Lemon juice to taste

60ml The Groovy Food Company Omega Cool Oil

 Fresh basil for serving


Place the halved tomatoes onto a baking tray then scatter over the garlic then drizzle with the oil and agave, season with salt and pepper then roast in a pre-heated oven set at 150°C/gas mark 2 for around 30 minutes. Remove and set aside.

Marinade the chicken breasts in the lemon juice; zest and oil then leave for a couple of hours for the flavours to develop.

Season and seal skin side down in a hot pan for around 3 minutes until golden turn over then glaze with the agave, transfer to an oven set at 200°C/gas mark 6 for 12-14 minutes or until cooked through.

Place the basil into a mini blender along with the almonds, garlic and lemon juice and oil then blend until you have a loose consistency, add the parmesan cheese and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Cook the pasta according to the packets instructions, drain then stir through the pesto and serve with the sliced chicken, tomatoes. Finish with another grating of Parmesan cheese and some fresh basil.

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