News just in, if you’ve got the time to look away from your work to read it, that is; the UK is a nation of stressed-out workaholics. And perhaps feeding into the sense of burden and pressure is that, according to research, 48 per cent of UK workers do little to nothing to relieve work-related stress. It’s understandable; a lack of free time is frequently cited as the main reason for this, with money woes also mentioned as a catalyst. Time for an untangle, then, with these; our 5 IDEAL ways for overworked UK workers to unwind.
For a quick and efficient way to unwind that’s cheap, no fuss and will make you feel pampered (and clean), then the answer lies close to home. Well, in the home actually. Up the stairs, to the left, first door on the right…
A long and languid soak, with the lighting just right, perhaps with candles flickering, can be just the ticket for tired limbs and minds. A lush bath bomb-infused and wine-glass-touting home-spa experience, simply allowing yourself a moment away and alone can work wonders for your relaxation. Sometimes, it’s just a short few moments away from the madness that readies you to re-enter it.
Just finished a big project at work? Been stashing the coins for a rainy day? Piggybank looking pregnant? Well, if you’ve got some money saved, or just had a nice little bonus or tax return payout, then why not treat yourself? Your health is your number one priority, always, and this goes for mental as well as physical. Sometimes, a weekend away can really replenish a weary soul.
Naturally, this should happen away from the hustle, bustle and burden of the city. Whether you choose to wander along the coast or take a stroll through the forest, time away from screens and immersed in nature is without doubt a nourishing thing. According to one study, Alan Ewert and Yun Chang note that “while individuals may select different locations or activities for reducing stress, for many, natural environments may be useful in their attempts to reduce their levels of stress.” Maybe, then, escaping to a log cabin, hiring one of the rare rural Northumberland cottages with hot tub facilities (of course you deserve a hot tub!), or even taking up temporary residence in a treehouse, is the best way forward.
Rough week? We’ve all been there. If you’re looking for a small scale treatment (you can’t spell the word without ‘treat’ of course) that works wonders for your stress levels and irons out the physical kinks as well as untangling the mental ones, then a simple massage can leave you feeling as good as new. Nearly every city has specialists, whether your preferred discipline is Thai, Swedish or even Shiatsu. So, pick your poison, and get stretched and rested.
Of course, there’s no point relaxing outside of work only to arrive at the office and have the weight of the world immediately thrust on your shoulders. That stuff can get weighty, fast. There are a number of ways in which your wellbeing at work can be improved, both through your own efforts and by your employer.
It’s more than just adding plants and offering yoga sessions: though both these things can build a better, more positive environment to work in, they don’t address the matter at its core. A little stress is to be expected in the workplace, and so long as it is manageable and light, it can actually be beneficial. But if the workplace is becoming overwhelmingly stressful for many employees, it is up to the employer to look for and deal with the cause directly. So, lobby them, petition them, write to and record them. Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of the company to nurture a positive, friendly and peaceful workplace.
It could be a learning issue as well. Do you have the correct tools to manage stress effectively? If not, you may have unwittingly picked up some bad habits for ‘dealing’ with stress along the way. If you suspect this may be the case, it’s certainly worth speaking to your employer about running some wellness workshops to help you learn new, productive ways of not only managing stress, but channelling it more effectively. In the end, nobody wins unless everybody wins. Remind your seniors of this.