As anyone who has endured a long distance relationship will verify attest, they’re tough. Super tough. Staying committed, focused and present with only Facetime for company is enough to test anyone’s willpower, and that’s for sure. But as a wise person once said, ‘anything worse having is worth fighting for’, and nurturing this far flung fondness can yield a lifetime of happiness if you let it. The key, we think, is to always remind your lover that they’re on your mind. And what better way to do this than with a gift? We’ve got just the thing right here; our 4 IDEAL gifts to buy your long distance partner.
Light up your loved one’s life – from another town or another country – with syncing lamps available from When you turn one on with a touch, its partner lamp emits the same ambient glow, as if by magic, allowing you to let your loved one know you’re thinking of them with a simple graceful swoop of the fingers. So, if you’re the kind of couple who feel a little awkward or lost for words with constant Skype calls on dodgy reception, or if you prefer the tactile to talking, this one is for you.
It can be all too easy to let your mind wander when your long distance lover is so far away. Keeping them close to your heart in wearable form is a great way to always carry their memory with you, wherever you go. Consider a photo engraved necklace with a pick of your beloved or one of the pair of you as a constant reminder of your bond. We also love the idea of matching coordinate bracelets. While you can’t be physically close, wearing the coordinates of both your locations is a subtle, yet stylish sentiment to have close to hand throughout the day.
All the cool kids have one, don’t you know? A digital photo frame allows you to display a range of photos on rotation within one frame. So if you have a frame which holds pride of place – say, next to your bed – then this is the perfect vehicle for a sequence of snaps which celebrate your life as a couple. As so much of being in a long distance relationship is about keeping things fresh and interesting, as well as providing reminders of time spent together, this is perfect.
Long distance relationships are tough (did we say that already?) but when you’re in conflicting time zones or have busy jobs, they can be even harder. On the more expensive end of the spectrum, we know, but an Amazon Echo could represent the ideal gift for those wishing to communicate constantly over the airwaves. Particularly useful is their handsfree, drop-in feature which makes it easy to check in with your partner without having to touch any buttons. The Echo is also hooked up to Alexa, so she can connect your calendars, remind you to call your partner and help you find the time in your busy schedule to connect. And if all else fails, Alexa can fill the company gap that having a long-distance partner leaves. Result!